Film 1, Final Film #4 E.Lyon
Make Sure Your Film is Turned In 1.11.16 Make sure your film is on the laptop Either AIRDROP it –or- put it on the class USB drive Take 15 min. to do that While you wait, film critique extra credit, turn in and check grades
This Weeks Schedule Monday Normal A day Tuesday Normal B day Wednesday Thursday Half Day for students (teachers going over tests that you all have been taking, grading, comparing, and figuring out how to teach the material better) Friday No school for students, teacher work day(grading Term 2 and prepping for Term 3)
Critiquing Films 1.11.16 Go to Click on Film 1, You might need to do this twice Scroll down to the bottom of the page almost, where it says Film 4 Click on the Critique for Music Makes You Talk – if it’s not your film Click on the Self Critique link if you are critiquing your groups film Remember you must critique all the films Make sure to mark the number of the film you are critiwuing Any questions or concerns before we begin critiquing?
Critique Reminders When you are giving feedback make it film related Everyone will read their feedback next class Don’t be a jerk, we are here to learn from our mistakes, not to make people feel bad
Next Class Reading over critique comments Double checking grades to make sure they are correct If there is time, critiquing some short videos – you will earn points with this so it can help your grade
Productions 1.11.16 Announcements – Lilly and Brookylnnneee and ? Hat video – Connor and Co. 90% video – Jesus and Co. Anything else? Shannon and Co. video for teachers, who and when are we filming, more email responses back Events Did we get any more, what have we not gotten, wrestling? Fan Video – Lilly and Co.