HBHM Criteria 2018/2019
What’s changed? We’ve tweaked some of the criteria for more clarity on what the panel are asking institutions to do We’ve removed some criteria that we felt have been a stumbling block for most institutions We’ve added criteria in areas that we felt were lacking in previous years We’ve moved around some of the criteria to accurately reflect their star rating We’ve included a useful information section which gives more clarity on what is meant by different words/phrases used in the criteria. (These are hyperlinked throughout the document) We’ve included contact details for the panel leads in each area.
Making the award known Removed Multiyear action plan (4*) – this is just the removal of a formal action plan, activities should still be considered for their multiyear potential. Added Development of a social media/comms plan (4*) Have a HBHM table at events on campus (4*) Calendar of yearly activities (5*) .
Making the award known Helpful Hints Templates are now available for: Single year action plan Social Media/Comms plan Calendar of events HBHM and Tobacco-free Generation logos (2*) will be available to download on the Think Positive website
Making the issue known . Removed No criteria removed but some where combined into one and others were moved to different star rating Added Physical activity benefits promoted to students (1*) Run mental health activities or events during the year that challenge stigma, discrimination or start conversations (3*)
Making the issue known Helpful Hints Making HBHM work sustainable (4* & 5*) This is made easier if you have full time staff members as part of your HBHM working group (2* - making award known). Taking part in HBHM could also be included in the student association partnership agreement or student prospectus. The Scottish Stop-smoking support website is quityourway.scot the other NHS site is exclusively for England and Wales. We have survey example questions available, contact Think Positive for more information.
Practical changes on campus Removed: Links to MH organisations (1*) Event linked to ‘No Smoking Day’ (2*) Sports and fitness staff trained in SMHFA and HBHM eLearning (3*) Promotion of smoke-free events (4*) Moved: Inclusion of participative events in sports calendar Guidance for academic and support staff
Practical changes on campus Added: Activities such as campus walk, drop in sessions, give it a go classes and other non-competitive sports promoted for mental health benefits as well as physical. (2*) Deliver regular organised club activity with at least three clubs up and running. (5*) Helpful Hints: An event that is linked to ‘No Smoking Day’ doesn’t have to be on the day – it can be any time close to ‘No Smoking Day’ and linking the message to the national campaign www.befree.scot has downloadable resources available for smoking prevention
Evaluation Helpful Hints: Think about how you will be evaluating your HBHM work while you’re planning the activities. After each event spend some time collating and storing the feedback so that by the time it comes to writing the report, all the evaluation is sorted and in one place. Gaining insight into demographic and policies (3*) – this has to be evidenced by explaining what you found and how this influenced your HBHM activities for the year.
Make a start on your Single Year Action plan, by using the template provided.
Discussion and questions