Unit 11: Vietnam 5.24.18
Discussion What should the United States do? Option 1: Americanize the war Option 2: Escalate slowly Option 3: Negotiate withdrawal Option 4: Withdraw now
America’s Vietnam Ordeal 1965-1975 General William Westmoreland Defense Secretary Clark Clifford
America’s Vietnam Ordeal 1965-1975 24-year-old, twice widowed, Vietcong soldier
America’s Vietnam Ordeal 1965-1975 Viet Cong meet the enemy face-to-face, most likely in the Mekong Delta or Plain of Reeds. This rare image shows both sides in combat, ARVN soldiers at the top and Viet Cong in the foreground.
America’s Vietnam Ordeal 1965-1975 NVA soldiers dash across open ground near strategic Highway 9 in southern Laos during Operation Lam Son 719, the South's failed attempt to cut the Ho Chi Minh Trail.
America’s Vietnam Ordeal 1965-1975 ARVN soldiers defending Saigon
America’s Vietnam Ordeal 1965-1975 Eddie Adams's Pulitzer Prize-winning photo taken on the streets of Saigon during the Tet Offensive
America’s Vietnam Ordeal 1965-1975 President Richard Nixon
America’s Vietnam Ordeal 1965-1975
America’s Vietnam Ordeal 1965-1975 Henry Kissinger - National Security Advisor to President Nixon South Vietnam President Thieu
America’s Vietnam Ordeal 1965-1975