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$400 $600 $800 $200 $1000 TDA1 TDA 2 TDA 3 TDA 4 TDA 5 Figurative Language $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 Jeopardy round
She knows how quickly life can be taken in the camp $200 She knows how quickly life can be taken in the camp 1. What does Rivka mean when she says, “it is enough to be alive now, this minute?” Single Jeopardy – Category 1
$400 One brother whose name is Wolfe 2. How many family members does Rivka have left by the time she meets Chaya? Single Jeopardy – Category 1
3. What is Wolfe’s job in the camp? $600 He is a Kommando 3. What is Wolfe’s job in the camp? Single Jeopardy – Category 1
Jews who were forced to tend the ovens and handle the dead $800 Jews who were forced to tend the ovens and handle the dead 4. What is a Kommando? Single Jeopardy – Category 1
Girls in a schoolyard shutting her out from their group $1000 Girls in a schoolyard shutting her out from their group 5. The same night that Hannah learns the guidelines for survival at camp she has a dream about …. Single Jeopardy – Category 1
$200 The small children run to the midden 6. When the characters yell “Commandant coming!” and make a clucking noise, what happens next? Single Jeopardy – Category 2
7. Where does Gitl work and how is this a helpful situation? $400 She works in the sorting shed where the men and women can talk and share news with one another 7. Where does Gitl work and how is this a helpful situation? Single Jeopardy – Category 2
“I should have said he was my brother.” $600 “I should have said he was my brother.” 8. What does Hannah say that demonstrates that she believes Reuven’s choosing was her fault? Single Jeopardy – Category 2
$800 Rivka tells her that it is much harder to die this way than to go down fighting 9. What does Rivka say to Hannah when she suggest that they should go down fighting? Single Jeopardy – Category 2
$1000 Wickedness and Pain 10. What does the story of the Werewolf’s heart represent in the novel? Single Jeopardy – Category 2
Yitzchack, Shmuel, Gitl, and Chaya $200 Yitzchack, Shmuel, Gitl, and Chaya 11. Which characters were involved in the plan to escape? Single Jeopardy – Category 3
12. Which character successfully escapes the concentration camp? $400 Yitzchak 12. Which character successfully escapes the concentration camp? Single Jeopardy – Category 3
$400 She runs to Shmuel and gets shot along with him and the others being executed 13. How does Fayge die? Single Jeopardy – Category 3
With respect as well as tenderness and compassion $1000 With respect as well as tenderness and compassion 14. How does Wolfe carry Fayge’s body? Single Jeopardy – Category 3
Beautiful sunsets, pleasant breezes, and blooming flowers $1000 Beautiful sunsets, pleasant breezes, and blooming flowers 15. Irony is the opposite of what you might expect. In what ways did Hannah see irony in nature at the concentration camp? Single Jeopardy – Category 3
Listening to Hannah as she spoke about the future $200 Listening to Hannah as she spoke about the future 16. What were the girls doing on the day they were confronted by the new guard? Single Jeopardy – Category 4
He says they need a full load to go to the gas chamber $400 He says they need a full load to go to the gas chamber 17. Why does the new guard pick three of the girls? Single Jeopardy – Category 4
18. Why was Chaya not chosen by the new guard to make a full load? $600 She did not draw attention to herself 18. Why was Chaya not chosen by the new guard to make a full load? Single Jeopardy – Category 4
19. Why does Hannah decide to save Rivka’s life? $800 Hannah feels like she still has the future and Rivka does not 19. Why does Hannah decide to save Rivka’s life? Single Jeopardy – Category 4
20. What does the flight of swallows represent in the story? $1000 Freedom 20. What does the flight of swallows represent in the story? Single Jeopardy – Category 4
To avoid a comparable event in the future $200 To avoid a comparable event in the future 21. The last line of the book is “I remember. Oh, I remember.” Why does Hannah think it is important to remember the Holocaust? Single Jeopardy – Category 5
$400 She operates a rescue mission to help Holocaust survivors locate family members and later on an adoption agency 22. What does Gitl do after she gets out of the concentration camp when the war is over? Single Jeopardy – Category 5
23. Who is Rivka in the future? $600 Aunt Eva 23. Who is Rivka in the future? Single Jeopardy – Category 5
24. Who is Wolfe in the future? $800 Grandpa Will 24. Who is Wolfe in the future? Single Jeopardy – Category 5
$1000 Simile 25. “Do you think it strange, little Chaya, that I—Shmuel Abramowicz—with an arm like a tree and, as Gitl says, a head like a stone… (pg.33) What type of figurative language ? Single Jeopardy – Category 5
26. “Anyway, she was starving, even if it was a dream.” (Pg. 36) $200 Hyperbole 26. “Anyway, she was starving, even if it was a dream.” (Pg. 36) Single Jeopardy – Category 6
$400 Alliteration 27. “From all over the camp came the same clicking, as if crazed crickets had invaded the place.” (pg. 122) Single Jeopardy – Category 6
$600 Personification 28.“Though she’d already gotten used to the pervasive camp smell, a cloudy musk that seemed to hang over everything, a mix of sweat and fear and sickness and the ever-present smoke that stained the sky, the smell in the midden was worse.” (pg. 123) Single Jeopardy – Category 6
$800 Simile 29. Her stomach felt heavy, as if the argument lay there like unleavened bread.” (pg. 5) Single Jeopardy – Category 6
$1000 Simile 30. “Hannah saw that almost all the sleeping shelves were filled. The women and children lay as still as corpses.” (pg. 103) Single Jeopardy – Category 6
The Jeopardy champion! Goodbye screen