ORNL is Operated by UT-Battelle for DOE Mercury Distributed Metadata Management, Data Discovery and Access System Alex Kozyr and Tommy Nelson Oak Ridge National Laboratory ORNL is Operated by UT-Battelle for DOE 2/5/2019
Introduction to Mercury Developed by ORNL for NASA to address recurring data access problems Mercury is a Web-based system to search for metadata and retrieve associated data. Mercury incorporates a number of important features: DBA – Data Base Administrator ORNL is Operated by UT-Battelle for DOE 2/5/2019
Key Features of Mercury Provides a single portal to distributed data Supports spatial searches Supports temporal searches Supports fielded searches Based on international metadata and Internet standards Z39.50, FGDC, GILS, Dublin Core, XML… Has a very "light touch" Business as usual for PI’s and other data contributors Accessed via web browsers – no special software Data providers and users can use any hardware/software platform Standards - Z39.50, FGDC, GILS, Dublin Core, XML PIs contact ORNL and provide the URL of the locator file on their machine – no additional interaction is necessary – EVER! ORNL is Operated by UT-Battelle for DOE 2/5/2019
ORNL is Operated by UT-Battelle for DOE ….and More Stale information is removed with each index update Rapid implementation – weeks or months not years Inexpensive to operate (automated) Full support of XML – eXtensible Markup Language Adaptable template metadata collection tools exist ORNL Metadata Editor - OME Harvests information from many different file formats pdf, word, excel, access, gif, jpg, etc. XML is THE evolving global standard for encoding metadata Mercury can harvest information from many different file formats even without metadata ORNL is Operated by UT-Battelle for DOE 2/5/2019
Mercury Projects CDIAC South Africa Brazil Project Office DOE, NASA, EPA, USGS Many mature applications of Mercury in scientific/environmental arena Earth Science Information Partners System Wide Interoperability Layer LBA-Hydrometeorology Project Office
Present Status of Underway pCO2 Data Many different measurements (xCO2, fCO2, pCO2) Many different data formats Many different storage locations PI sites Data centers Highly variable documentation No metadata standard ORNL is Operated by UT-Battelle for DOE 2/5/2019
ORNL is Operated by UT-Battelle for DOE 2/5/2019
CDIAC / WOCE Bottle Data Inventory ORNL is Operated by UT-Battelle for DOE 2/5/2019
What Can Mercury Do for Us? Allow PIs to distribute their data while maintaining complete control Provide a single portal to all underway pCO2 data Provide fielded, spatial, and temporal search capabilities Provide tools to create proper metadata - OME Encourage proper documentation Mercury implementation would cost nothing to the participating PIs While fielded search capabilities are not equal to what a RDBMS can provide, they are far superior to the capabilities a simple search engine like Google and are more than adequate for succinctly locating available data sets. ORNL is Operated by UT-Battelle for DOE 2/5/2019
Distributed Data Discovery and Access System A Virtual Internet Database via Mercury 1. PI’s create metadata and data files using local applications or OME 2. Mercury collects metadata and key data from the PI’s servers distributed around the world and builds a centralized index P.I. Name Dataset Experiment Cruise Variable Measurement Type etc. 5. Remote users select link(s) to data of interest Index 6. The data files and highly detailed documentation are downloaded directly from the PI’s server or chosen data repository 3. Remote users query the index via a web-based browser Underway Measurement Summary Cruise: WOCE A10 R/V Meteor Ocean: Atlantic PI: D.W.R. Wallace Begin: 1992-12-27 - End: 1993-01-31 Cruise: WOCE P10 R/V Thomas G Thompson Ocean: Pacific PI: C. L. Sabine Begin: 1993-10-05 - End: 1993-11-10 Users 4. Metadata summaries are returned to the remote users, including links back to detailed information and data at the PIs’ server or chosen data repository
ORNL is Operated by UT-Battelle for DOE Mercury Providing a Portal to Distributed Data Mercury was developed at ORNL to quickly gather research information from around the world ORNL is Operated by UT-Battelle for DOE 2/5/2019
ORNL is Operated by UT-Battelle for DOE Mercury Search Screen ORNL is Operated by UT-Battelle for DOE 2/5/2019
ORNL is Operated by UT-Battelle for DOE Mercury Oceans Search Screen All Datasets All Datasets Dataset Name Experiment Name Cruise Name PI Name Discrete Measure Underway Measure Time Series Select Ocean ORNL is Operated by UT-Battelle for DOE 2/5/2019
ORNL is Operated by UT-Battelle for DOE Mercury Oceans Search Screen Underway Measure pCO2 fCO2 xCO2 N2O TCO2 TALK Select Ocean ORNL is Operated by UT-Battelle for DOE 2/5/2019
ORNL is Operated by UT-Battelle for DOE Mercury Oceans Search Screen Underway Measure xCO2 “xCO2” All Datasets Dataset Name Experiment Name Cruise Name Discrete Measure Time Series Underway Measure PI Name Select Ocean ORNL is Operated by UT-Battelle for DOE 2/5/2019
ORNL is Operated by UT-Battelle for DOE Mercury Oceans Search Screen Underway Measure xCO2 Dickson, A. L. Feely, R. A. Goyet, C. Johnson, K. M. Key, R. M. Millero, F. J. Nojiri, Y. Takahashi, T. Wallace, D. W. R. Wanninkhof, R. Weiss, R. F. Winn, C. D. Sabine, C. L. “xCO2” PI Name Select Ocean ORNL is Operated by UT-Battelle for DOE 2/5/2019
ORNL is Operated by UT-Battelle for DOE Mercury Oceans Search Screen Underway Measure xCO2 “xCO2” PI Name C. L. Sabine C. L. Sabine Select Ocean All Oceans Pacific North Pacific South Pacific Atlantic North Atlantic South Atlantic Indian Southern ORNL is Operated by UT-Battelle for DOE 2/5/2019
ORNL is Operated by UT-Battelle for DOE Mercury Oceans Search Screen Underway Measure xCO2 “xCO2” PI Name C. L. Sabine C. L. Sabine 26.415 30.320 116.609 Select Ocean Indian -64.874 ORNL is Operated by UT-Battelle for DOE 2/5/2019
Mercury Oceans Search Results ORNL is Operated by UT-Battelle for DOE 2/5/2019
Mercury Oceans Metadata ORNL is Operated by UT-Battelle for DOE 2/5/2019
Mercury Oceans Product Link ORNL is Operated by UT-Battelle for DOE 2/5/2019
Mercury Oceans Data Link ORNL is Operated by UT-Battelle for DOE 2/5/2019
ORNL is Operated by UT-Battelle for DOE XML Encoded Metadata ORNL is Operated by UT-Battelle for DOE 2/5/2019
ORNL is Operated by UT-Battelle for DOE ORNL Metadata Editor ORNL is Operated by UT-Battelle for DOE 2/5/2019
ORNL is Operated by UT-Battelle for DOE ORNL Metadata Editor ORNL is Operated by UT-Battelle for DOE 2/5/2019
Application Broker Technology LAS Mercury USERS ODV RDB ORNL is Operated by UT-Battelle for DOE 2/5/2019
Live Access Server for GLODAP Data http://cdiac.ornl.gov/oceans/glodap/Glodap_home.htm ORNL is Operated by UT-Battelle for DOE 2/5/2019