Preparing for ExamSoft - Faculty We want you to be prepared for your exam on exam day! The following slides are the ExamSoft’s recommended best practices. Use Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox to access the Examplify. (NOTE: Once this is downloaded it will not need to be downloaded again.)
Ensure exam day policies are in place (i. e Ensure exam day policies are in place (i.e., proctoring practices, student procedures). Determine and communicate make-up/late start assessment practices. Create a Pre-Assessment notice - a notice to students about your exam that they will see and agree to before the exam content is visible. As a best practice, we suggest that faculty post and have students download their assessment 48 to 72 hours prior to the date of the exam. Please give the Academic Program Specialist at least five business days prior to the assessment’s download date to create the exam.
Creating a Pre-Assessment Notice Login to your portal You can use the “Add Pre - Assessment Notice” button to type your own message that students will see before taking the test. This is optional, but recommended. Notices may remind students of special instructions, requirements that pertain to your assessment. You may include: Student Rights and Responsibilities for academic and professional integrity You may include multiple notices on your assessment.
Notifications for Students: Personal Devices - faculty should instruct them to download their assessment at least 24-48 hours prior to the date of the actual exam. Lab Users - will need to download their assessment on the day of the exam. Students Download Examplify: Email Reminders: send emails to all students to download the exam Download Start and End date Upload Reminder (deadline to complete exam)
Generating Invites Log into ExamSoft Open the Admin tab (top right – blue area) Select Users. Select the Students (sub level-tab) Select the checkbox next to each student that needs to be invited or their invite has expired. With the students selected, click the Invite button (bottom left) Set date and time you want to send the invite Click Send Invite. You will see a Success = (top right)
Posting an Assessment Create an assessment password Password must contain: at least 6 and no more than 60 alpha characters one number letters You may also randomly generate an assessment password
Continuation/Resume Code A number that needs to be entered into Examplify in the event when a computer is turned off mid-exam. Two types of Resume Code Only be used by one individual student or Universal Resume Code which can be used by all students for that assessment
Method I: Make-Up/Missed Assessments Step 1: Remove Missing Students Step 2: Create a Linked Assessment Set up new assessment password Select the students Strict download start and end times for make-up exam Post assessment Notify the students that need to make-up exam New posting and assessment password NOTE: this method will allow you to run a Combined report with the original posting and the Linked assessment.
Method II: Make-Up/Missed Assessments Step 1: Remove Missing Students Step 2: Create an Unlinked Assessment Create new assessment password Select the students Strict download start and end times for make-up exam Post assessment Notify the students that need to make-up exam You will be able to edit all of the assessment options, content, and post settings NOTE: this method will NOT allow you to run a Combined report.
Unexpected Outages Internet Outages Power Outages Download exams prior to arrival to class Students will be able to enter and complete exam Answers will be safe and secure until able to reconnect Power Outages Advise students to fully charge devise prior to exam If they have enough battery life, the students will be able to upload once connected to the internet If you choose to postpone, have students COMPLETELY SHUT DOWN their devices to stop the timer until power is restored.
Fire Drill Mid-Exam Evacuation (ie Fire Drill) Instruct students to COMPLETELY SHUT DOWN their devices to stop timer DO NOT instruct to SUBMIT the exam DO NOT close the laptop. Closing will put the computer to sleep but WILL NOT stop the timer.