Algebra 1 Ms. Leppla Welcome to Room A-221 Open House 2018-19 Thank you for coming! B
Ms. Leppla Ohio State Univeristy Bachelor of Arts in Economics •Notre Dame College Highly Qualified Teacher Mathematics grades 7-12
Ms. Leppla • Mayfield CIty School DIstrict • Euclid CIty School DIstrict Euclid CIty schools Junior Varsity and Varsity Softball Coach Euclid CIty Schools Freshmen Volleyball Coach K
Best Ways to Contact Me Ms. Leppla: 330-653-1316 x4291 Danielle Leppla B
*Announcements & Assignments are also posted in our classroom. :) Google Calendar Announcements Find HW Assignments Test Dates (Summative) Quiz Dates (Formative) *Announcements & Assignments are also posted in our classroom. :) *B
Google Classroom If your child is absent or struggling with a concept, have them check google classroom to see if the day’s presentation/ notes are posted. Study guides* Answer keys* Extensions for enrichment Class activities B
SunGard (HAC) Check for MISSING /ABSENT WORK Check for STUDENT PROGRESS Check if your son/daughter might be CONFUSED Please check on a regular basis . . . *Please call school if you haven’t received letter or forgot username/password.
Grade Categories & Weighted Grades in Math Class: Coursework Homework Participation Projects ETC Weight = 15% Formative Assessments Quizzes Team Challenge Exit Slips HW Checkpoints ETC. Weight = 60% Summative Assessments Individual assessments Weight = 0% Ungraded Assignments* Homework Exit Slips Pre-Tests *This Category is designed to provide more information & communication about how your child is currently doing, especially on new concepts. *Please note - grading categories are subject to change along with category descriptions.
Assessments Team Challenges are a graded review assignment to help students prepare for the end of chapter assessment. Individual assessments are given about 1 week after the end of the chapter. Tests cover old and new material. (Summative) You will even see things from Ch. 2 on the Ch. 9 Test.
HELP! Team Support 6th Period (T-TH-F) Schedule a time we can work together! HW Support at the Hudson Public Library in the Teen Room! FREE! ~ Monday & Tuesday: 7:00 – 8:30 pm
Math Goals To build a strong foundation for the study of higher mathematics. To explore and develop a conceptual understanding of algebra using the 8 mathematical processes. To practice mental math and to apply algebraic concepts to real-world situations. To make connections between the patterns, rules, tables, and graphs that occur in mathematics. To think and write about math.
College Preparatory Mathematics (CPM) Core Connections ALGEBRA On a daily basis, students: -Problem Solve -Question -Investigate -Analyze -Gather and construct evidence -Communicate -Justify their thinking
Algebra 1 Syllabus Chapter 1 – Functions Appendix – Representing Expressions Chapter 2 – Linear Functions Chapter 3 – Simplifying and Solving Chapter 4 – System of Equations Chapter 5 – Sequences Chapter 6 – Modeling Two-Variable Data Chapter 7 – Exponential Functions Chapter 8 – Quadratic Functions Chapter 9 – Solving Quadratics and Inequalities Chapter 10 – Solving Complex Equations Chapter 11 – Functions and Data
The Team Idea T Together, work to answer questions. COLLABORATIVE LEARNING EXPECTATIONS T Together, work to answer questions. E Explain and give reasons. A Ask questions and share ideas. M Members of your team are your first resource. S Smarter together than apart.
Fortune 500 “Most Valued” Skills (1999): Boaler, Jo. Mathematical Mindsets. 2016
Team Roles Facilitator Recorder/Reporter Resource Manager Task Manager
Student Log-in Students should click here to sign in. They don’t have a separate username and password, because we are going to use our google sign-in - it is not another password to remember! Hooray! K
How do I set up my homework? MLA FORMAT NOTEBOOK PAPER PENCILS ONLY Your Name Ms. Leppla 7 S Math Date Heading & Homework Numbers (Example) 1.1.1 1-3 to 1-7 B
Demonstrated on next slides . . HOMEWORK In the book or ebook, you will see this symbol “Review & Preview” when the homework begins. HOMEWORK HELP! Demonstrated on next slides . . B
CPM PARENT GUIDE WITH EXTRA PRACTICE To get to parent guide book, you must use - not student login account :) K
PARENT GUIDE BOOK (EXAMPLE) This is an example of the parent guide page - pdf. K
Next Generation Assessments Resources K
I am excited to have your child! It’s going to be a great year! Ms. Leppla