The Role of Newspapers in Building Citizenship Civic Journalism The Role of Newspapers in Building Citizenship
Press Challenges Profit pressures Internet Bad journalistic habits Government regulation
New Questions: Who is a journalist? What is journalism?
New Trends: Interactive journalism Participatory journalism Citizen journalism
Civic Journalism Restore good habits Build reader connections Get better stories Build better citizens
Journalism Today Blurred lines Reporting & Commentary Entertainment & News Difficulty “getting it right” Serving elites vs. citizens Out of touch with public Commercial > sensational
Bad Habits Act rushed Hover with notebook Ask loaded questions Expect fast answers Listen for quick quote Show up only for problems Corrupt behavior
Civic Journalism Aspirations Retain watch dog Abandon attack dog Add guide dog
Civic Election Coverage Avoid < horse race polls Focus > voter issues Frame > hiring decisions
Charlotte Observer
Norfolk Virginian-Pilot
Philadelphia Inquirer Mayor’s Race Phila Inquirer
Pew Center for Civic Journalism Funded 120 projects Tracked 650 projects Trained 4,000 journalists Awarded 30 Batten Awards Interactive journalism Read more:
Computer kiosks > Community surveys
Clickable Maps
Tax Calculators
NHPR Budget Builder
Definition: Civic Journalism News that citizens need to: Learn about issues, events Make civic decisions Participate in a democracy
Civic Toolbox New definitions of “news” New sources of news New interactions with readers Mental checklist
What is “News?” Content audits: 1977 - 1997: Government News < 38% Entertainment News > 380% Scandal News > 300 %
Civic Techniques DON’T: Keep score Focus on conflict DO: Cover solutions Interview all stakeholders
Savannah’s Vision 2010
Civic Attributes: Entry points for citizen input - task force Reported solutions Build civic capacity Action plan Non-profit foundation
Civic Response: 1,100 reader calls $200,000 donations 50 tons food 8,000 toys Thousands volunteer hours
“News” as Conflict Internal vs. External Conflict in Values Not Conflict of People
Civic Mapping Diversify Sources Catalysts Connectors List pre-conceived ideas Diversify Sources Catalysts Connectors Watch for stereotypes Hold conversations not interviews Define terms Find master narratives
Learn more: “A Journalists’s Toolbox” (4 videos) “Tapping Civic Life” booklet
Taking Back Our Neighborhoods
Data Crunching Community Poll Citizen Advisors Town Halls Civic Listening Data Crunching Community Poll Citizen Advisors Town Halls
Charlotte’s Civic Tools TV and radio partners Neighborhood advisors Town hall meetings Success stories “Needs” lists for each area
Charlotte Observer’s “Needs” List
What we know: Triggers civic behavior Increases knowledge Builds credibility Citizens “get” it Builds civic capacity Builds reporting capacity
Covering the Noise Vs. Covering the Silences Master Narratives Covering the Noise Vs. Covering the Silences
The New City
Aging Matters
Deadliest Drug
Mental Checklist √ As color or furniture that you move around? How do you position people? √ As color or furniture that you move around? √ Or as a citizen capable of action?
Mental Checklist Do you only raise awareness? √ Can a story invite input, ideas? √ Can it help readers do something with the information?
Mental Checklist Have you talked to all stakeholders? √ Do you report more than two sides of the story? √ Do the pros and cons get you the real story?
Mental Checklist Do you report internal and external conflict? √ Do you help people see possible choices and consequences of those choices? √ Do you examine conflicting values?
Mental Checklist Do you advance solutions? √ Report what has worked elsewhere? √ Invite community brainstorming?
Mental Checklist Do you invite participation? √ How can people respond? √ Are there “entry points” for input?
2001 Pew Poll
Want more interactivity
Build Connections
More Meaningful Interaction Less Noise More Meaningful Interaction
The Institute for Interactive Journalism