Yr Amser Gorffennol When we want to talk about the past, we add the following endings to verbs. Singular I - ais i You - aist ti He -


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Presentation transcript:

Yr Amser Gorffennol When we want to talk about the past, we add the following endings to verbs. Singular I - ais i You - aist ti He - odd e She - odd hi John - odd John Plural We - on ni You - och chi They - on nhw This is how a regular verb would look: Nofio = to swim I swam = Nofiais i You swam = Nofiaist ti He swam = Nofiodd e She swam = Nofiodd hi John swam = Nofiodd john We swam = Nofion ni You swam = Nofioch chi They swam = Nofion nhw The above is only used if the verb is regular. Below are the irregular verbs in the past tense Mynd = to go I went = ES i You went = Est ti He went = Aeth e She went = Aeth hi We went = Aethon ni You went = Aethoch chi They went = Aethon nhw Dod = to come I came = Des i You came = Dest ti He came = Daeth e She came = Daeth hi We came = Daethon ni You came = Daethoch chi They came = Daethon nhw Cael = to have I had = ces i You had = cest ti He had = cafodd e She had = cafodd hi We had = cawson ni You had = cawsoch chi They had = cawson nhw Gwneud = to do/to make I did/I made = gwnes i You did/made = gwnest ti He did/made = gwnaeth e She did/made = gwnaeth hi we did/made = gwnaethon ni You did/made = gwnaethoch chi They did/made = gwnaethon nhw

Y Negyddol – The Negative To say you didn’t do something you add the word “ddim” – e.g: Nofiais i ddim i didn’t swim Yfodd hi ddim sudd oren she didn’t drink orange juice Daethon nhw ddim i’r dafarn they didn’t come to the pub Arhosais i ddim mewn pabell I didn’t stay in a tent

Gwyliau Ymarfer 1 Ymarfer 2 Translate these sentences into Welsh; I didn’t sunbathe on the beach= torheulais i ddim ar y traeth I didn’t enjoy the film I stayed in a hotel I didn’t walk to the beach She didn’t swim in the pool He played pool We ate in the restaurant They didn’t eat at the restaurant You didn’t travel by car She didn’t come to the pub Ymarfer 2 Write a paragraph about your last holiday, tell me what you did and didn’t do while you were there.

Berfau yr amser gorffennol VERB I He/she/john We Negyddol (I) Negyddol (We) Cael Ces i Cafodd e/hi/john Cawson ni Ces i ddim Cawson n iddim Mynd Es i Aeth e/hi/john Aethon ni Es i ddim Aethon ni ddim Dod Des i Daeth e/hi/john Daethon ni Des i ddim Daethon ni ddim Gwneud Gwnes i Gwnaeth e/hi/john Gwnaethon ni Gwnes i ddim Gwnaethon ni ddim Teithio Teithiais i Teithiod e/hi/john Teithion ni Teithiais i ddim Teithion ni ddim Bwyta Bwytais i Bwytodd e/hi/john Bwyton ni Bwytais i ddim Bwyton ni ddim Nofio Nofiais i Nofiodd e/hi/john Nofion ni Nofiais i ddim Nofion ni ddim Torheulo Torheulais i Torheulodd e/hi/john Torheulon ni Torheulais i ddim Torheulon ni ddim Aros Arhosais i Arhosodd e/hi/john Arhoson ni Arhosais i ddim Arhoson ni ddim Mwynhau Mwynheiais i Mwynheuodd e/hi/john Mwynheuon ni Mwynheiais i ddim Mwynheuon ni ddim Pacio Paciais i Paciodd e/hi/john Pacion ni Paciais i ddim Pacion ni ddim Cerdded Cerddais i Cerddod e/hi/john Cerddon ni Cerddais i ddim Cerddon ni ddim Yfed Yfais i Yfodd e/hi/john Yfon ni Yfais i ddim Yfon ni ddim Chwarae Chwaraeais i Chwaraeodd e/hi/john Chwaraeon ni Chwaraeais i ddim Chwaraeon ni ddim

Gofynnwch i 8 person yn eich dosbarth am ei gwyliau diwethaf. Holiadur Gwyliau Gofynnwch i 8 person yn eich dosbarth am ei gwyliau diwethaf. Enw Ble? Gyda phwy? Teithio? Bwyta? Gwneud? Aros? Tywydd?

Geirfa Gwyliau Ble est ti? = Where did you go? Gyda phwy est ti? = Who did you go with? Sut est ti? = How did you get there? Beth bwytaist ti? = What did you eat? Beth wnest ti? = What did you do? Ble arhosaist ti? = Where did you stay? Sut roedd y tywydd? = How was the weather? Y teulu = the family nofio = swim Ffrindiau = friends torheulo = sunbathe Rhieni = parents siopa = shopping Awyren – aeroplane pysgota = fishing Llong = boat pabell = tent Trên = train gwesty = hotel Car = car bwrw glaw - raining Bws = bus heulog = sunny Fferi = ferry cymylog = cloudy