2018-19 Pre-Season Meeting
Welcome to 2018-19 Season District 8 Supervisor of Officials – Paul Moen Opening statements Introduce for a few words Minnesota Hockey – Steve Morris Paul Moen Contact Info 651-246-3514 moensie@msn.com
Assigning Updates District 8 2017-18 scheduled ~4200 games Includes League, Tournaments, Scrimmages and District Playoffs games. U10 / Squirt to Jr. Gold Both 2 and 3 official systems You want more games and do a nice job? Proactively reach out to alternate assigners.
Assigning Updates (cont’d) Visit the following for assigner list and contact info www.minnesotahockeydistrict8.com/refassigners Association Assigner Apple Valley Denny Hyster JCNSP Scott Geib Cottage Grove Mike Forys Lakeville North Joe Bystedt/Ron Smrekar Eagan Mike Diebold Lakeville South Eastview Red Wing Brian Cashman Edgcumbe Rosemount Farmington Jeremy Hendrickson Sibley Area Bill Monahan Hastings John Klimek South St. Paul Mike Paulson Inver Grove Woodbury Pete Stuckert
Evaluations Newer Officials Existing Officials Evaluations Coordinator Beneficial to be evaluated. Allows us to see you and provide you feedback for improvement. Existing Officials If has been a while since anyone has evaluated you or if you want to get more challenging games – request an evaluation. Evaluations Coordinator Contact your favorite assigner or Denny Hyster (dhyster1@lightblast.net)
Ref Ratings All assigners together went through all District 8 officials and agreed to individual ratings. If you feel your rating is too low, request an evaluation. Discussed later, but when seeking a replacement, official must be appropriately ranked. Contact your favorite assigner to find out your rating
Ref Ratings Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Squirt B & C, U12B, U10B Level 2 Squirt A, PW C, U12 A, U10 A Level 3 U16 (Line), Ban A/AA (Line), U15A (Ref and Line), Ban B1, U15B Level 4 Ban A (ref), U16 (ref), JG B (Line & Ref), JG A (Line), U19 Level 5 Ban AA (ref), JG A (ref)
Pay Information Types of games and how are they paid? League games – via ArbiterPay Tournaments – Depends on host association. Inquire with assigner on how to be paid. Scrimmages – Most associations pay at the game via cash or check. SSP – Need to fill out a W-9 and Treasurer will mail check IGH – Treasurer will send check out monthly for prior months games Referee Pay Rates – Visit www.minnesotahockeydistrict8.com/refereerates
Pay Information (cont’d) League games pay schedule Dec 31st All league games up to Dec 31. January 31st All league games Jan 1 thru Jan 31. Early March All league games from Feb 1 through the last League game of the season – (early March).
Game Assignments District 8 games per day policy Arbiter Max 4 games in a day for District 8 If 2 doubles in day, must have 4 hr break between If 3 game set, done for the day Arbiter Games received via Arbiter for all District 8 games. Check your ‘Ready’ box on your District 8 Arbiter page. Update your Blocks!!!
Game Assignments (cont’d) Arbiter (cont’d) Share your schedule (Profiles > Sharing) Accept or Decline games – 3 day max. If no action, game drops off your schedule and is treated as a Decline If declining game(s), must provide a reason. If your schedule blocks are up to date, no reason / need to decline. Add a head-shot photo of yourself
Game Assignments (cont’d) Arbiter (cont’d) Turn back games If you accept a game and need to turn it back. If >=10 days before scheduled game, you can click the ‘Turn Back’ in your schedule. Game will be removed and equivalent to Declining a game. If <10 days before scheduled game, official must find their own replacement. Replacement must be approved by assigner. Replacement must meet minimum rating requirements to work game level. Game(s) are still yours until the game(s) are removed from your Arbiter schedule.
No Show Policy First Offense Second Offense Third Offense Payment $50 OR game fee (including multi-game set, whichever is more.) If you are scheduled a double and you no-show for both games, you would be fined the game fees for both games. Second Offense $100 OR game fee (including multi-game set, whichever is more) Third Offense Official removed from District 8. Payment Must mail check to Paul Moen within 7 days or schedule will be lost weekly until fine is received.
Game Expectations Be to the game AT LEAST 20 min. prior - prefer 30 min. If you are running late, contact your partner and/or assigner. Get ready, get on the ice and go. If you did not get ahold of your partner and someone is on the ice replacing you, discuss with replacement. Rule of thumb is if they are there, you are off the that game and you will not be paid for it. Case-by-case if you are late to game 1 of multi-game set and/or official from prior game covered you for a few mins.
Game Expectations (cont’d) Be LOW Maintenance Be the official the Assigner looks for, not the one he avoids. Update your Arbiter Blocks!!!!! Talk to coaches as you would want to be talked to. You are the manager of the game - be a leader. Ref Room Etiquette / Co-ed games Clean up after yourself. If you miss the garbage, go get it!! Male / Female and Adults / Youth. Be courteous and cautious regarding dressing room. Step out while other person is changing. Don’t ask – just do it. THINK….
Game Expectations (cont’d) Experienced and Newer officials working together Newer officials - ask questions to experienced officials Senior officials - talk to your newer officials. PUT YOUR PHONES DOWN AND TALK!!!
Mentoring Mentors and Mentees Experienced officials – please consider being a mentor to a newer official New officials – please consider having a mentor to help guide you through the officiating world If interested in being a mentor or mentee, contact favorite assigner.
Mentoring (cont’d) Female Officials – Alicia Hanrahan is an experienced official that mentors District 8 female officials. Female officials - please contact Alicia to mentor 614-353-5474 lishan10@aol.com
Other…. District 8 Website - www.minnesotahockeydistrict8.com Game incident reports. Make sure to type in the full team name. For example – ‘Hastings Peewee C Blue’ League Game durations Warmup always 4 min (Junior Gold = 5 mins) 1 hr ice with periods 12 min stop time. All Sq, U10, PW and U12 1.25 hr ice with periods 14 min stop time. All Bantam and U15 1.5 hr ice with periods 15 min stop time and 1 resurface Jr Gold A/B and U16 District 8 Website - www.minnesotahockeydistrict8.com
Open Forum / Discussion