ARTICLE 1 of THE U.S. CONSTITUTION The U.S. Capital Building (Where Congress is)
Article. I. - The Legislative Branch Section 1 - All legislative Powers shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a 1. Senate(upper house) and 2. House of Representatives (lower house). Two CHAMBERS (Bicameral) Their main duty is to write/create laws.
ARTICLE 1 Section 2 - The House Of Representatives They are elected every two Years by the People of the DISTRICT in the State. REQUIREMENTS: #1. be at least 25 years old, #2. been 7 Years a Citizen of the United States, #3 when elected, they must live in the State in which they represent. House Representation is based on population of the state. There are 435 total. CA has 53
Facts House of Representatives All bills for raising Revenue (money $$$) shall begin in the House of Representatives. The House of Representatives chooses a Speaker of The House as its leader. Who is third in line of Presidential Succession. The House has the power to bring charges of impeachment.(To Remove from office) even the president.
Requirements of The Senate Article I Sec. 3 In order to be eligible to become a Senator one must have: #1. Age of 30 Years, #2. been 9 Years a Citizen , #3. live in the State for which they are elected. Senators are elected to 6 year terms.
Facts The U.S. SENATE ARTICLE 1 Section 3 - The Senate 2 Senators from each State. Elected by the voters. CA Senators are Barbara Boxer and Diane Feinstein The Vice President of the United States is the President of the Senate, but shall have no Vote, unless there is a tie. The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments. It takes a 2/3 majority to impeach.
The Senate and The House They both vote and pass laws Bills can start in either the Senate or the House (except for $$ has to start in the House) Both are members of Congress. THERE ARE 535 TOTAL 435 REPS 100 SENATORS
- 6 Powers of Congress (There are a lot more) The Congress shall have Power: To lay and collect Taxes ($ POWER) To coin Money ($POWER) To declare War COMMERCE CLAUSE To regulate commerce (TRADE) between the states and with Native Americans and foreign nations. To create and maintain a Navy