Legislative Branch
Congress House of Representatives – Population – 435 2 year terms Most direct relationship to a true democracy Represent districts Senate – Equal – 100 6 year terms Helps protect the interests of the “few”
HOR – Leadership Speaker of the House Majority Leader Majority Whip Elected by majority party Presides over the house Principal leader of party 3rd in line of succession Assigns bills to committees Helps assign membership to committees Majority Leader Majority Whip Party discipline – proper Minority Leader Minority Whip http://www.house.gov/leadership/
HOR – Powers Introduce Legislation Originates revenue raising measures Sole power of impeachment, with trial, if required by senate Approves by 2/3 vote any Constitutional amendments prior to state ratification
HOR Structure – Committees Rules Set rules for debate Kill bill in committee Can be over ruled by a discharge petition – 218 votes needed Ways and Means Oversees federal revenue measures Has authority over borrowing money Oversees Social Security Oversees trade and tariff regulations
HOR Structure - Committees Appropriations Raising of revenue Other… Agriculture, Banking, Small Business, etc. Select Committees – limited purpose Joint Committees – combining members of both houses Conference Committees – set up to resolve differences between houses
Senate – Leadership Vice President – President of the Senate Tiebreaker – 50/50 – President of the Senate gets a vote Least yet most important position President Pro Tempore Most senior member of majority party Presides when VP is absent Majority Leader Elected by majority party Works directly with the Speaker and POTUS Majority Whip Minority Leader Minority Whip http://www.senate.gov/
Senate – Powers “Advise and Consent” – presidential nominees Ratification of treaties by 2/3 vote Tries impeachment cases Votes on legislation “Amends” legislation Fillibuster Cloture – 3/5 vote to stop filibuster http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5BBhNkywMJY
Senate – Committees Appropriations 16 standing committees Chairman – senior majority member 16 standing committees Agriculture, Nutrition, Forestry, Armed Services, Finance, Veterans Affairs, etc.