Parent Handbook © Hope Newport 2014
Table of Contents Volunteers Connect with our Classroom. ………………. Page 1 Volunteers Page 2 Classroom Expectations Page 3 Behavior Management Page 4 and 5 Daily Schedule Page 6 Homework and Tips Page 7 and 8 Guide to Reading Page 9 Favorite Sites Page 10 Birthdays Page 11 ELA Page 12 Math Page 13 Social Studies and Science Page 14 Field Trips Page 15 Grade Card Page 16 Information Page 17 © Hope Newport 2014
Connect with Our Classroom! Facebook Teacher Contact Info Stay up to date with our school on Facebook 816.874.3700 ext. 52133 Email Updates Class Page Send me your email and I will sign you up for email reminders and updates! Homework is posted here daily! Also there will be announcements and reminders Pg: 1 © Hope Newport 2014
Volunteer Without volunteers it would be impossible to do many of the fun and exciting things at our school. Volunteers help make learning possible! There are many opportunities for parents to volunteer in and out of the classroom. Please make sure that you have followed these steps in order to volunteer in the classroom or for field trip. Please Fill out Background check and send into teacher or leave in office. 2. Unfortunately we can not have siblings come on field trip with us. At our back to school night I will have a sign up for volunteer opportunities! Pg: 2 © Hope Newport 2014
Classroom Expectations Be Prepared: Be Responsible: Be Respectful: A leader is someone who does the right thing even when no one is watching! It is expected that students come to school ready to learn. This means they will have a positive attitude and demonstrate their personal best in all that they do! Be Prepared: -Bring backpack to school each day. -Your homework is complete. Be Responsible: -Arrive at school on time. -Be in your seat and ready to learn when the bell rings. -Give your best effort. -Complete all school work. Be Respectful: -Students will show respect to others at all times. -Participate in class discussions by sharing and listening. -Follow directions and stay on task. Pg: 3 © Hope Newport 2014
Behavior Management Pg: 4 The Blue Springs School District implements Positive Behavioral Supports. These are proactive strategies that actively teach students appropriate behavior while preventing and/or reducing inappropriate behavior. Keep hands & feet to yourself. Turn in completed assignments on time. Walk in the hallway. Come to class on time, prepared, with all your supplies and assignments. Sit in your seat unless you have permission to leave it. Work when you are supposed to. Follow directions immediately. SEVERE CLAUSE: Send immediately to principal. Behavior Management Classroom consistency is very important for student success. Students are aware of rewards and consequences. There are several opportunities for students to be rewarded each day! Pg: 4 © Hope Newport 2014
Behavior Management Continued… Pg. 5
Mrs. Patton’s Class Schedule Pg: 6 Time 9:15-9:30 Attendance, Lunch Count, Morning Work 9:30-10:00 Pathways 10:00-10:45 Math 10:45-11:00 Restroom Break 11:00-12:00 ELA (Readers Workshop) 12:00-12:15 Read Aloud 12:15-12:50 Lunch/Recess 12:50-1:00 1:00-1:15 Silent Reading (Readers Workshop) 1:15- 2:00 ELA (Writers Workshop) 2:00-2:20 Science or Social Studies 2:20-3:05 Special Class 3:10-3:30 Recess 3:30-4:00 Pack and Stack/End of Day meeting Pg: 6 © Hope Newport 2014
Homework Please check your child’s backpack and PUMA folder each day for papers. Homework will be sent home on Monday and due on Thursday and will consist of spelling, reading, and math. We are building life-long work habits and responsibility. Please remove all papers from the folder and return the papers that are on the homework side. Monthly Reading Logs Please record the 20 minutes read each night on the calendar sent home at the beginning of each month. Don’t forget to sign your initials too! Let your child read to you, see you reading or read to them. Record the books completed on the back of the calendar. We will keep a running total of all the books your child has read in the classroom. Email or the classroom webpage is the best way to communicate with me about homework. If you have any questions or concerns don’t hesitate to ask. Thank you for all of your support! Teacher Email: Pg: 7 © Hope Newport 2014
Homework Tips Pg: 8 All work should: Demonstrate student’s best effort Be neat and organized Be turned in on time 2. Check your child’s backpack and and PUMA folder every day. 1. Designate a place at home to keep homework papers that come home from school. 3. Create a consistent time for homework. For example after snack and some play time begin homework or immediately after dinner. 5. The internet is a valuable resource. Google search anything from reading strategies for kids to how to teach fractions. 4. Complete homework in a quiet place free of distractions like TV. 6. Do your best to get the reading done first. It’s easy to skip at the end of the night when everyone if worn out and tired, but it is the most important piece of your child’s homework routine. Pg: 8 © Hope Newport 2014
A Guide to Reading with your Child Key Terms: Comprehension: Understanding what you read Fluency: The way your reading sounds. To use fluency means that there is expression in the reader’s voice. Decode: Reading words accurately. Strategies such as chunking and sounding out that help us decode words accurately. Strategy: A reading tool taught to students to help improve reading comprehension, accuracy, fluency, and enjoyment. “Just Right” level or “Good Fit” book: Each student reads at an individual reading level. When children read books that are “just right” they grow faster as they are engaging in real reading rather than reading that is too difficult or too easy. 1. The very most important homework piece is to read with your child every night. Your child should be doing most of the reading, but listening to a parent read is a wonderful way for children to hear quality reading too. 2. Ask questions and discuss books with your child. Talk about characters, favorite parts, predictions or feelings. 3. Encourage your child to use decoding strategies: -Look for the parts in the word they know like go in going -No matter what they can always make the first sound of the word. Sometimes they just need that reminder to get started and the rest of the word will follow. -Reread the sentence -Stretch out the word carefully -Break the word into smaller chunks -Use the pictures to help Remember: Your child is never too big to snuggle up with you and a good book. Read favorite books again and again! Keep calm, encourage, help when needed, don’t get frustrated and enjoy making reading memories with your child! Pg: 9 © Hope Newport 2014
Favorite Sites School Site Reflex Math Login: epatton Password: Lunch # Raz Kids Greg Tang Math Click on Clever Link on SPE Symbaloo. Then Raz Kids. Login: Lunch # Password:Lunch # Login: No login Password: No password Pg: 10 © Hope Newport 2014
Happy Birthday to You! procedures for birthday celebrations in the classroom All gifts and balloons will remain in the office until the end of the day. Balloons are not allowed on the bus for safety reasons. Birthdays are important and very special! Each child will be recognized with a small classroom celebration on their special day. Birthday party invitations may not be distributed at school unless Invitations are issued to every student in the class. Simple, store bought, individually wrapped treats may be brought to school for sharing with classmates. Summer birthdays may be celebrated anytime during the year. Pg: 11 © Hope Newport 2014
ELA We want all students to be successful and to feel good about reading. Our reading program is designed to integrate the language arts of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Skills such as writing, phonics/decoding, comprehension, spelling and grammar will be an integral part of the Language Arts block. The program also affords students the opportunity to explore content across the curriculum by integrating science, math and social studies throughout. We use the Readers/Writers Workshop Models for Language Arts instruction. This involves the teacher working with small groups of students at their academic levels. Student interest level is high as they are involved in selecting their own reading materials. Individual conferencing is a major component of this model. Pathways to Reading is a phonemic awareness program currently used by the district. Spelling – Our spelling program is part of the Pathways to Reading program. It builds on the guides they’ve previously learned. Spelling tests will be given on Fridays and will include the week’s words, along with two dictation sentences. Pg. 12
Math Students will learn math skills using Common Core curriculum, math manipulatives, games and math practice. Your child should work at home to be fluent in the basic addition and subtraction facts to 20. Please purchase or make addition and subtraction flashcards and practice with your child daily. We will be giving timed tests to check their progress. Other skills to practice are counting money to $2, making change from $1, and telling time to 5 minute intervals. Pg. 13
Social Studies and Science Our Social Studies curriculum includes Democracy, Government, MO and US History, Economics and Geography. The Science curriculum topics are Force and Motion, Sound, Rocks & Soil and Animal Life Cycles. Pg. 14
Field Trips The Zoo The Blue The Symphony This guided field trip with hands on activities is provided at no cost for all 2nd grade classes in Jackson and Clay counties. The Blue Springs School District/Arts Partners Project, the second grade will be attending the KC Symphony KinderKonzert at the Kaufman Center The Blue School of Economics Date to be determined. The students will attend the BSSD pool for 1 week of swimming lessons. Your child will need a swim suit and towel. More info to follow We will attend the morning of dates to be determined. MANY parent volunteers will be needed. Pg. 15
(Skill not yet introduced or measured) Grade Card Grades are listed as follows: 3-Meets or exceeds expectations (85-100%) 2-Makes acceptable growth (70-89%) 1- Below grade level expectations (69% and below) Blank - Not Assessed (Skill not yet introduced or measured) Pg. 16
Information We are looking forward to a great year with your child. We would like to explain some of the classroom procedures, so that the year will go as smoothly as possible. ~Library Books Each week your child may check-out a book from the school library. The book can be kept for one week. We will go to the library at the same time every week. Please return the book by the due date as your child cannot check-out another book if he/she still has a book checked out. (We have a basket in our classroom for returned library books.) ~Lunch You are welcome to join your child for lunch (12:15-12:35). Please wait for them at the gym doors. Due to the safety concerns for all the children, parents are not allowed to join us for recess. ~ Visiting SPE Please remember to check in at the office and get a visitors badge. In 2nd grade we are developing independence. It is developmentally appropriate for your child to walk to the classroom and unpack their belongings by themselves. Your cooperation with this is greatly appreciated! If it is necessary for you to talk with your child, please have the office call for them to come meet you at the office. This will be less disruptive for the rest of the students. Pg. 17