Steel-Gray, Lustrous, Hard Metal with a high polish High Melting Point, Solid Good conductor of Thermal and Electrical Energy Compounds are toxic
Chromiums Crystalline Structure
24 Protons, 24 Electrons, 28 Neutrons Atomic Number: 24 Atomic Mass: 52 AMU
Chromium is in Period #4 Chromium is in Group #6 Chromium is in Block d
Chromium is used to harden steel, manufacture stainless steel, and form many useful alloys.
Chromium is also used to give glass its Emerald Green color.
Chromium is found naturally in rocks, soil, plants, animals, and even humans. Chromium can be found the following common food sources: beef, brewers yeast, brown rice, cheese, turkey, fish and whole grains. It is found in other foods including: Chicken, corn, potatoes, eggs, and green beans. It can also be found in the following plants and herbs: catnip, horsetail, oat straw, red clover, and sarsaparilla.
Reactions! Oxidation States and Reactivity Chromium does not react with oxygen or water at room temperature. Chromium react directly with Fluorine. The most common Oxidation States of Chromium are +2, +3, and +6, with +3 being the most stable.
The word Chromium originates from the Greek word chroma meaning color. YouTube - Chromium - Periodic Table of Videos