The Bayeux Tapestry
Not really a tapestry, but embroidered linen sheets stitched together 270 feet long and 20 inches tall Mentioned as early as 1100 A.D.
Why is it Important? It tells the story of the events leading to the Battle of Hastings Told from a Norman Point of View William at the Battle of Hastings
How would historical events be told today?
"Into Harold's hands I commit my Kingdom." After reigning 23 years, Edward the Confessor dies in January 1066 He leaves no heirs The strongest contender for the throne is his brother – in –law, Harold Godwinson
Harold is unanimously selected as king an is sworn in on the day of Edward’s Burial
However… Years earlier, on 1064, Edward had decided to make his cousin William of Normandy his heir He sends Harold to deliver the message Harold is taken hostage by a Norman count…
But Harold is rescued by William Harold swears allegiance to William, recognizing him as heir to the English throne
In 1066, William learns of the death of Edward and the subsequent coronation of Harold How do you think he takes the news?
An Ominous sign for Harold In the spring of 1066, Haley’s comet makes an appearance The comet is believed to be a bad omen What do the empty boats represent?
When he hears of Harold’s coronation, William begins building an invasion fleet Favourable winds carry the fleet from Normandy to England in late September William’s army makes its way towards Hastings
One of several panels depicting the Batlle of Hastings A Saxon axe-man kills a Norman horse Dead Normans and Saxons lie on the ground The Normans knights would break through the Saxon defences
“Here King Harold was Killed”
William was crowned King of England on Christmas Day 1066. With the death of Harold, the story of the Tapestry ends. Panels that may have continued after the Battle of Hastings are missing. There are 50 scene depicted on the panel Fortunately, the tapestry has survived, even though: It was almost used to wrap and protect the contents of a wagon during the French Revolution It was kept in an air raid shelter during World War II