Chapter Three Goal Setting for Teenagers Nothing can stop people with the right mental attitude from achieving their goals.
Objectives How can you take more responsibility for your health and fitness? What are goals? What is goal setting? What is the difference between long-term and short-term goals? What are the steps necessary for successful goal setting?
Chapter 3 Value Goal setting is a process that can help provide guidance to improve yourself. It is a simple process, but one that has excellent potential to help you achieve new levels of accomplishment. Goal setting does not just apply to personal fitness. The process applies to all aspects of your life. Specific steps are presented that will help you become a proficient goal setter.
Vocabulary goal setting— process designed to motivate people to make changes in their lifestyles and increase self- improvement goals that take a long time, perhaps years, to reach goals that can be reached in a short period of time tools used to organize and plot the course to a major goal long-term goals— short-term goals— time lines—
Evaluate Goals
Teen Years Transition period Confusing, frustrating for some Positive and negative experiences More responsibility
Taking Control of Health and Fitness Happiness and success depend on choices you make Realistic goals require effort Goal setting helps you realize more of your potential Objective
What Are Goals? Anything you desire Serve as a guide Health-related fitness goals Objective
What Is Goal Setting? Process that can help you improve and feel good about yourself Long-term goals — take a long time to reach, usually general Short-term goals — help you attain long- term goals, reached in short time, usually specific Vocabulary Objective
Goal Setting Is Like a Ladder Top rung = long-term goal Other rungs = short-term goals Objective
Goal-Setting Steps 1. Desire 2. Belief in yourself 3. Analyze where you are now 4. Set realistic goals 5. Write detailed goals 6. List benefits you will receive Objective 1 of 2
Goal-Setting Steps 7. Identify obstacles 8. Identify knowledge you will need 9. Make a plan of action 10. Develop a time line 11. Monitor your progress 12. Never give up Vocabulary Objective 2 of 2
Goal Setting in Action Case Study Jodi 15 year old 10th grader 5’4’’, 128lbs. mile run- 25th percentile (12:21 min) Fitness Goals 10lbs in 9 weeks run mile 2:15 faster (50th percentile)
Benefits of Jodi’s Goals Improved appearance Less self-conscious about weight Feel good about self for achieving goals More physically fit and confident in P.E. Wear at least one size smaller clothes More confident about tackling other challenges in life
Goal 1 - Lose 10 lbs. Monitor food and drink intake for 3 days Limit fast food to <2 times/week and make healthy choices Reduce junk food, replace with healthy snacks Eat at least 2 fruits, 3 veggies per day
Goal 2 - Improve Mile Run Buy comfortable shoes Walk/jog 3 times/week for 15min. at school Cycle/tennis 2 times/week with friend Jog continuously 15min. and reduce mile time 1 min. by end of week five Increase training runs to 20min by end week 6 Retake test and achieve 50th% by week 9
Did Jodi Succeed? Yes! Reasons desire and belief assessed herself identified benefits specific plan with specific time line monitor progress did not give up
Record Progress toward Goal
Summary Long-term goals Short-term goals Steps in goal setting
Objectives What are goals? What is goal setting? How can setting goals help you take control of your health and fitness? What is the difference between long-term and short-term goals? What are the steps necessary for successful goal setting?
Study Questions The following is a list of some things that you might do as you work toward your goals. Choose “T” if the statement describes something that will help you achieve your goals. Choose “F” if it describes something that will not help you achieve your goals.
Study Questions True or False I avoid setting time lines. I list benefits I will receive. I write my goals down in detail. I do not worry about obstacles I may face. I identify how I will benefit from accomplishing my goal.
Study Questions Discussion What are the steps necessary for successful goal setting? Identify five goals that you would like to accomplish this year.