最新CMB观测结果对暴胀势的限制 胡建伟 中科院理论物理所 2014年 郑州 2014/07/07.


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Presentation transcript:

最新CMB观测结果对暴胀势的限制 胡建伟 中科院理论物理所 2014年 郑州 2014/07/07

Outline Inflationary Cosmology Reconstructing the promodial power spectrum Reconstructing the inflationary potential Summary

4 dimensional Inflation predicts No classical inhomogeneities from the past Scale free gaussian fluctuations of all light scalars No vector perturbations Scalar (almost scale free gaussian) metric perturbations Tensor (scale free gaussian) metric perturbations Creation of all SM particles in preheating/thermalization

Inflation in the context of ever changing fundamental theory 1980 -inflation Old Inflation New Inflation Chaotic inflation SUGRA inflation Power-law inflation Double Inflation Extended inflation 1990 Hybrid inflation Assisted inflation SUSY F-term inflation SUSY D-term inflation Brane inflation Super-natural Inflation 2000 SUSY P-term inflation K-flation N-flation DBI inflation inflation Warped Brane inflation Tachyon inflation Racetrack inflation

Reconstruction strategy assuming scalar field is a monotonically varying function of cosmic time PhysRevD.48.2529

Perturbative reconstruction During reconstruction, there are three types of expansion being carried out. There is an expansion in terms of observables, an expansion in terms of slow-roll parameters, and an expansion of the potential itself. RevModPhys.69.373

BICEP2 V.S. Planck But... M. J. Mortonson and U. Seljak, arXiv:1405.5857 [astro-ph.CO]. R. Flauger, J. C. Hill and D. N. Spergel, arXiv:1405.7351 [astro-ph.CO]

Reconstruction of the primordial power spectra with Planck and BICEP2 arXiv:1404.3690 [astro-ph.CO] Bin Hu , Jian-Wei Hu , Zong-Kuan Guo , Rong-Gen Cai

Reconstruction of the primordial power spectra with Planck and BICEP2 arXiv:1403.7786 [astro-ph.CO] 1403.5922[astro-ph.CO]

Reconstruction of the primordial power spectra with Planck and BICEP2 arXiv:1404.3690 [astro-ph.CO] Bin Hu , Jian-Wei Hu , Zong-Kuan Guo , Rong-Gen Cai

Reconstruction of the inflation potential with Planck and BICEP2

Reconstruction of the inflation potential with Planck and BICEP2

Reconstruction of the inflation potential with Planck and BICEP2 Fix k0 at 0.05, then we run MCMC. It could output the parameters that we need, including (As, ns, αs, r) at fix point k = 0.05, using the formula above, one can get the values of (As, ns, αs, r) at any point k, Let ∆ ln k = −1, using equation (10) or (15), it is easy to calculate the corresponding ∆φ, For every lnki = lnk0 +i∆lnk(i = 1,2,3,...), we can compute the values of V(ki), V ′(ki), V ′′(ki), V ′′′(ki) according to equations (22-25). Also utilising the relationship between k and φ, one can rewrite the V (φi) and its high derivatives, to use the interpolate method to reconstruct the inflation potential for a long range.

Reconstructed potential

Summary we reconstructed the primordial scalar power spectra using the cubic spline interpolation method from recently CMB data, and find that the vanishing scalar index running model is disfavored at more than 3\sigma level the power-low parameterization gives a blut-tilt tensor spectrum, no matter using only the first 5 bandpowers or the full 9 bandpowers of the BICEP2 data sets Given that the hint of a large running of the scalar power spectrum, and a nonzero tensor-to-scalar ratio r, we reconstruct the inflationary potential in the perturbative reconstruction framework

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