Knee-Ankle-Foot Orthoses (KAFOs) ORTHOTIC SYSTEMS Knee-Ankle-Foot Orthoses (KAFOs)
KAFOs Designs Materials Uprights Joints Control Components
KAFOs Designs Metal Plastic Hybrid
KAFO Materials Metal KAFOs Uprights Bands Joints Stirrups Leatherwork
KAFO Materials Plastic KAFOs Thermoplastics Uprights Joints Straps
KAFO Uprights Aluminum Stainless Steel Lightweight Heavier but stronger
KAFO Knee Joints Free/limited motion Locking
KAFO Knee Joints Single Axis Free Motion Controls hyperextension When M-L control is needed
KAFO Knee Joints Offset Free Motion Axis is posterior Increased knee extension stability
KAFO Knee Joints Polycentric Free Motion Multiple axes of motion More closely approximates instantaneous axis of rotation in anatomical knee joint
KAFO Knee Joints Drop Lock Metal ring drops over top of joint, preventing flexion Simplest of locks
KAFO Knee Joints Bale Lock Both locks are connected by metal hoop, or bale Locks are disengaged by pulling bale up Locks engage automatically when orthosis is extended
Metal KAFO Ankle Joints Free motion Dorsiflexion assist Double-action
Metal KAFO Ankle Joints Free/Limited Motion ROM determined by stirrup head shape
Metal KAFO Ankle Joints Dorsiflexion Assist Posterior spring creates dorsiflexion moment
Metal KAFO Ankle Joints Double-action Anterior & posterior channels allow for insertion of pins and/or springs to provide various combinations of ROM and assist
Plastic KAFO Ankle Joints Free or limited motion Variable motion
Plastic KAFO Ankle Joints Tamarack Flexible with no ROM control One variant can produce dorsiflexion assist DF Assist Neutral
Plastic KAFO Ankle Joints Oklahoma More rigid than Tamarack with single axis of motion No inherent ROM control
Plastic KAFO Ankle Joints ROM Controls Molded into plastic at time of fabrication Used in conjunction with previous joints to limit or influence ROM Adjustable Stop Dorsiflexion Assist
Plastic KAFO Ankle Joints Friddle Variable Motion Allows fixed or variable ROM Cannot be adjusted on patient
Plastic KAFO Ankle Joints Camber ankle joint Cams are installed to create limited ROM One of several designs using interchangeable components to produce specific ROM
Plastic KAFO Ankle Joints Laminated foot plate w/ stirrup Used when high stress or activity is anticipated Allows for use of metal ankle joints
KAFO Control components Supra/Infra Patellar Pads Generates extension moments above and below knee axis
KAFO Control components Full knee control pad/strap Generates extension moment over patella which is actually above knee axis May have flange (shown) to provide M/L control
KAFO Control components Adjustable extension component Position of serrated ring over serrated disc determines point of full extension Useful for knee flexion tightness/contractures
KAFO Control components Quad/Narrow M-L Brim Provides method to un-weight knee and distal extremity during stance phase
KAFO Control components Hip joints/Pelvic band Created increased hip and trunk stability Some designs generate a reciprocating action to produce a swing-through gait