Aim: How did Americans help win World War I?
Winning the war on both fronts The War Front- where soldiers fight battles The Home Front- any effort of civilians (average people) or any activity at home in support of a war waged overseas
Lusitania sinking and the Zimmerman note brings the US into WWI
How was the war looking for the allies? Not Good... Russia left the war after its communist revolution in 1917 Russia signs humiliating Treaty of Brest—Litovsk losing a million square miles and 1/3 of its population 5
How is Russian exit from WWI a major turning point for the Central Powers? Made it a one front war for Germany - all its troops could concentrate on France
What did the US do to help? Supplies: US provided the food, money, and fresh troops needed to win the war 7 American Troops March Through London
“Over There” Johnnie get your gun, get you gun, get your gun, Take it on the run, on the run, on the run, Hear them calling you and me; Every son of Liberty Hurry right away, no delay, go today, Make your daddy glad to have had such a lad Tell your sweetheart not to pine, To be proud her boy's in line. Chorus: Over There, Over There Send the word, send the word, Over There That the Yanks are coming, The Yanks are coming, The drums rum tumming everywhere So prepare, Say a Prayer Send the word, Send the word to beware We'll be over, we're coming over. And we won't be back till it's over over there! Johnnie get your gun, get you gun, get your gun, Johnnie show the Hun, you're a Son-of-a-Gun, Hoist the flag and let her fly Like true heros do or die Pack your little kit, show your grit, do your bit, Soldiers to the ranks from the towns and the tanks, Make your Mother proud of you and to Liberty be true “Over There”
How did the men help win World War I? The men do the fighting in the battlefields. -At first volunteers are easy to gather -Soon soldiers are drafted and forced to fight, this policy is call conscription.
Gas Mask Drill Gas Mask Drill
Weapons of War- GAS!!!
Trench Warfare- A Poor Strategy
Weapons of WWI- The British Tank Breaks Trench Lines
Weapons of WWI- Air Warfare The Red Baron has 80 Kills!!
The Aisne-Marne American Cemetery in Belleau, France, is the resting place of 2,289 U.S. soldiers killed in France during WWI
Propaganda- information put out by an organization or government to promote a policy, idea, or cause.
Victory Gardens in the US During World War I, a severe food crisis emerged in Europe as agricultural workers were recruited into military service and farms were transformed into battlefields. As a result, the burden of feeding millions of starving people fell to the United States. In March of 1917¬—just weeks before the United States entered the war—Charles Lathrop Pack organized the National War Garden Commission to encourage Americans to contribute to the war effort by planting, fertilizing, harvesting and storing their own fruits and vegetables so that more food could be exported to our allies. Citizens were urged to utilize all idle land that was not already engaged in agricultural production—including school and company grounds, parks, backyards or any available vacant lots.
Women's work in WWI During WWI (1914-1918), large numbers of women were recruited into jobs vacated by men who had gone to fight in the war. New jobs were also created as part of the war effort, for example in munitions factories. The high demand for weapons resulted in the munitions factories becoming the largest single employer of women during 1918. Though there was initial resistance to hiring women for what was seen as ‘men’s work’, the introduction of conscription in 1916 made the need for women workers urgent. Around this time, the government began coordinating the employment of women through campaigns and recruitment drives.
Women in the Homefront Women’s employment rates increased during WWI, from 23.6% of the working age population in 1914 to between 37.7% and 46.7% in 1918 (Braybon 1989, p.49). The employment of married women increased sharply – accounting for nearly 40% of all women workers by 1918 (Braybon, 1989: p. 49). But because women were paid less than men, there was a worry that employers would continue to employ women in these jobs even when the men returned from the war. This did not happen; either the women were sacked to make way for the returning soldiers or women remained working alongside men but at lower wage rates. But even before the end of the war, many women refused to accept lower pay for what in most cases was the same work as had been done previously by men. The women workers on London buses and trams went on strike in 1918 to demand the same increase in pay (war bonus) as men. The strike spread to other towns in the South East and to the London Underground. This was the first equal pay strike in the UK which was initiated, led and ultimately won by women. Women collecting peach pits to be used in gas masks
Women in the Homefront
Kids Sell Liberty Bonds Liberty Bonds- Money lent to the government to help with the war effort. This money would ultimately be paid back with interest at the end of the war.
Liberty Bonds What were Liberty Bonds? The US government Liberty Bonds were a special issue of WW1 US government bonds. Bonds are official notes that are sold with the promise to pay the money back, with interest, on a certain date. What was the purpose of Liberty Bonds? The main purpose of the Liberty Bonds was to raise money for WW1, they also encouraged Americans to save rather than spend controlling inflation during the wartime economy. How did Liberty Bonds work? The Liberty Bonds were a direct and unconditional promise of the United States to pay upon a certain date a specified sum of money in gold, together with interest at a specific rate, payable at specific dates until the bond matures, or was called for redemption. How did Liberty Bonds help the war effort?: The Liberty Bonds inspired patriotism and allowed Americans on the home front to feel they were making a valuable contribution to the war effort. Advertising Liberty Bonds were used extensively in WW1 propaganda campaigns
Kids and WWI
African Americans Harlem Hellfighters
Armistice Day- The war is over “On this day, at the 11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918, the Great War ends. At 5 a.m. that morning, Germany, bereft of manpower and supplies and faced with imminent invasion, signed an armistice agreement with the Allies in a railroad car outside Compiegne, France.” The War is over