Research Data Archives at NCAR


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Presentation transcript:

Research Data Archives at NCAR RDA, a continually evolving data resource Content is improved and extended Metadata is developed to improve discovery Access methods are many and expanding Now; Web, FTP, NCAR MSS, writable media Future; via CDP and network servers (e.g. GDS, OPeNDAP, etc) 5 February 2019 Steven Worley, NSF/NCAR/SCD

Steven Worley, NSF/NCAR/SCD RDA definition Collection of reference datasets used in atmospheric and related sciences Over 600 datasets currently archived 10-20 new datasets added annually The RDA is maintained by 9 staff First established about 40 years All data on the MSS 548K files 100.5 TB 5 February 2019 Steven Worley, NSF/NCAR/SCD

Steven Worley, NSF/NCAR/SCD RDA Content Many categories of data Observations Model Output NWP Reanalyses Climatology Data Long-term SST analyses Monthly summary of the day station data Satellite derived datasets Global topography and ocean depth Station Libraries Much more …. 5 February 2019 Steven Worley, NSF/NCAR/SCD

Steven Worley, NSF/NCAR/SCD RDA Observations Observations Conventional meteorology and oceanography Surface Global ocean from ships and buoys (ICOADS) Global meteorology stations Gridded ocean and station obs Profiles Global ocean hydrography Global upper air measurements 5 February 2019 Steven Worley, NSF/NCAR/SCD

Steven Worley, NSF/NCAR/SCD RDA Model Output Model Output Operational Model Output NCEP Global NCEP Regional North American ECMWF Global Reanalysis Projects NCEP Global Reanalysis I & II ECMWF Global ERA-40 5 February 2019 Steven Worley, NSF/NCAR/SCD

Steven Worley, NSF/NCAR/SCD Eta and NARR domains 5 February 2019 Steven Worley, NSF/NCAR/SCD

Steven Worley, NSF/NCAR/SCD Arctic Specific data Univ Wash. PSC ARGOS Buoy Observations, 1979-1990 Polar Science Center Hydrographic Climatology (PHC) U. Wisconsin Greenland Surface Observations, 1987-1991 AARI Russian North Polar Drifting Station Data, 1937- Arctic and Antarctic Sea Ice Concentration, Walsh 1901-1990 Arctic Sea Ice Thickness Climatology 1960-1982 Western Arctic Ice Drift Stations, + ships Maud and Fram 1893-1976 Hadley Centre Global Sea Ice and Sea Surface Temperature Analyses 1870-2005 USSR. Arctic Ice Island Radiosonde Observations, 1950-1991 NMC Nimbus-5 Sea Ice (ESMR) Data for February 1975 Climatic Boundary Conditions for 18,000 years before present Ptarmigan Dropsondes (Arctic reconnaissance) for 1950-1961 Norwegian Marine Surface Data, 1867-1912 5 February 2019 Steven Worley, NSF/NCAR/SCD

Steven Worley, NSF/NCAR/SCD RDA Metadata All datasets Described with individual web pages Assigned data consultant Catalogued in UCAR Community Data Portal (CDP) 5 February 2019 Steven Worley, NSF/NCAR/SCD

Steven Worley, NSF/NCAR/SCD 5 February 2019 Steven Worley, NSF/NCAR/SCD

MSS All RDA data RDA Server CDP NCAR User Internet User Data User’s Functional Diagram for RDA Access MSS All RDA data RDA Server Some data All Metadata CDP Standardized Metadata NCAR User Internet User 5 February 2019 Steven Worley, NSF/NCAR/SCD

MSS All RDA data RDA Server CDP NCAR User Internet User Data User’s Functional Diagram for RDA Access MSS All RDA data RDA Server Some data All Metadata CDP Standardized Metadata NCAR User Internet User metadata 5 February 2019 Steven Worley, NSF/NCAR/SCD

MSS All RDA data RDA Server CDP NCAR User Internet User Data User’s Functional Diagram for RDA Access MSS All RDA data RDA Server Some data All Metadata CDP Standardized Metadata NCAR User Internet User metadata data 5 February 2019 Steven Worley, NSF/NCAR/SCD

MSS All RDA data RDA Server CDP NCAR User Internet User Data User’s Functional Diagram for RDA Access MSS All RDA data RDA Server Some data All Metadata CDP Standardized Metadata NCAR User Internet User metadata data future data 5 February 2019 Steven Worley, NSF/NCAR/SCD

RDA MSS Server All RDA data CDP Operational Function Diagram for RDA RDA Database RDA Server Some data All Metadata MSS All RDA data SAN CDP Standardized Metadata Data Ingest 5 February 2019 Steven Worley, NSF/NCAR/SCD

RDA MSS Server All RDA data CDP Operational Function Diagram for RDA RDA Database Integrity Monitor RDA Server Some data All Metadata MSS All RDA data SAN Top Collections CDP Standardized Metadata Data Ingest Network Media 5 February 2019 Metadata Steven Worley, NSF/NCAR/SCD

RDA MSS Server All RDA data CDP Operational Function Diagram for RDA RDA Database Integrity Monitor RDA Server Some data All Metadata MSS All RDA data SAN Top Collections CDP Standardized Metadata Data Ingest Network Media 5 February 2019 Metadata Data Steven Worley, NSF/NCAR/SCD

RDA MSS Server All RDA data CDP Operational Function Diagram for RDA RDA Database Integrity Monitor RDA Server Some data Metadata MSS All RDA data SAN Top Collections CDP Metadata Data Data Ingest Network Media 5 February 2019 Metadata Data Steven Worley, NSF/NCAR/SCD Future Data

Steven Worley, NSF/NCAR/SCD Key Case – ERA-40 35 TB collection, 30 distinct product lines Added about 10 products (computed in SCD) Support Climate Modeling – T85 Guassian grids to match NCAR CCSM Metrics for 2004 Web & FTP = MSS in Data Amount Over 20 TB delivered 28K versus 13K files, RDA Server - MSS 5 February 2019 Steven Worley, NSF/NCAR/SCD

Questions / Discussion 5 February 2019 Steven Worley, NSF/NCAR/SCD