What’s Happening This Week Mrs. Tin TK1 Newsletter Week of September 18th – 22nd Writing Writing letter /F/ - 1. pull down 2. slide right and top 3. slide to the right in the middle Writing letter /f/ - 1.curve back. Pull down 2. slide to the right Language Arts Unit 2 – Goldilocks and the three Bears Vocabulary/Conceptual Development Understand over, under; big, large, medium, little, and small Math Unit color: Blue Comparing Length Vocabulary: Long and short Religion Appreciate the help of others, especially doctors, teachers, priest, police officers, etc. Be inspired to help other and see Jesus as a helpful person Science Recognize that the season of Summer will be changing to Fall. Identify some changes that will happen during the season of Fall. Social Studies Identify and recognize the life cycle of an apple. Upcoming Events Wednesday, October 4th – Name Test (students at this point should be able to write his/her 1st name legibly and correctly) Thursday, October 5th - 1st Letter Assessment (more information to follow) Friday, October 6th – 1st Friday Mass, Church Uniform (Detention will given out to those who are not in complete uniform) Friday, October 13th – School Families – only for DLS students (more information to follow) Thursday, October 19th – The Great Shakeout (DLS students only) Monday, October 23rd – Friday, October 26th – Red Ribbon Week (more information to follow) Friday, October 27th - Pupil Free Day What’s Happening This Week Monday: P.E. Today / All Friday folders are returned today / Please turn in your parent information slip for Mrs. Frausto (TK1 Room Mom) Tuesday: Wednesday: TK Picture Day - Please do not forget your child’s order form / Students must come to school in church uniform waist up Thursday: 1st Math Assessment on Visual Perception (same/different & comparing size/length) Friday: Lice Check Today – Please no hairspray or gel / Please provide a home lunch for your child today / 1pm dismissal