Average rent for 2-bedroom Median Home Sales Price 69 Habitat Homes Built 86 Homes Repaired 69 Habitat Homes Built 86 Homes Repaired Spotlight on: San Francisco Affordability San Francisco home prices have gone up 6.9% in the past year and are predicted to increase 6.4% in the next year. Median home prices are approximately 2.5x the median across California $4,377 Average rent for 2-bedroom $1.36M Median Home Sales Price Sources: RENTCafe, Zillow Research Nearly half of owner and renter households in San Francisco making between 50 and 80% of the area median income (Habitat’s target income range) are paying 30% or more of their income to housing A two-working parent family needs to earn $111K to cover basic household expenses. A single parent family needs to earn $103K Median household income for a two-working parent Habitat family in San Francisco is $51K Source: California Budget & Policy Center, Making Ends Meet Source: U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD)
$2.2M paid in property taxes over past 10 years San Francisco & Habitat Homeowner Demographics San Francisco homeownership rates lag behind the state rate of 54.8%, with great variation across race. Household median income by race also shows significant disparities with white households making a median income of $100K compared to black households making a median income of $30K 46.1% 35.5% 27.2% 26.8% 25.8% 24.7% 22.3% 20.8% $101K $70K $67K $59K $52K $41K $30K Source: Race Counts, Advancement Project, San Francisco County Habitat Household Profile Population by Race – San Francisco Habitat Homeowners in San Francisco $2.2M paid in property taxes over past 10 years Most Common Profession: Food Prep Worker Source: United States Census Bureau, Quick Facts Habitat Homeowners by Race - San Francisco (last 10 years) Source: National Housing Conference, Paycheck to Paycheck
Average Rent for 2-bedroom Median Home Sales Price [Insert Logo] xx Habitat Homes Built yy Homes Repaired Spotlight on: Redlands Affordability Redlands home prices have gone up 5.4% in the past year and are predicted to increase 4.3% in the next year. Median home prices are approximately 75% the median across California $1,527 Average Rent for 2-bedroom $414K Median Home Sales Price Source: Zillow Research Over half of owner and renter households in San Bernardino County making between 50 and 80% of the area median income (Habitat’s target income range) are paying 30% or more of their income to housing A two-working parent family needs to earn $67K to cover basic household expenses. A single parent family needs to earn $57K Source: California Budget & Policy Center, Making Ends Meet Source: U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD)
$15.7M paid in property taxes over past 10 years San Bernardino County & Habitat California Homeowner Demographics Overall, San Bernardino homeownership rates exceed the state rate of 54.8%, however there is great variation across race. Household median income by race also shows disparities with Asian households making a median income of $74K compared to Native American households making a median income of $42K 69.5% 69.2% 57.6% 55.5% 53.7% 50.8% 46.5% 40.1% $74K $59K $54K $50K $47K $43K $42K Source: Race Counts, Advancement Project, San Francisco County Habitat Household Profile Population by Race – Redlands Habitat Homeowners in California $15.7M paid in property taxes over past 10 years Most Common Profession: Food Prep Worker Source: United States Census Bureau, Quick Facts Habitat Homeowners by Race - California (last 10 years) Source: National Housing Conference, Paycheck to Paycheck