Lecture 3 High Priestess Tehilah Firewind Wicca and Witchcraft 101 Lecture 3 High Priestess Tehilah Firewind Chakra Alignment and Bubble Casting
What is a Chakra? Metaphysical centers of our body Where physical and emotional (biology) meets spiritual (divine) Energy from different parts of our body can be utilized in different ways Chakra in Sanskrit means “wheel” or “disk” Each center is envisioned to be as a rotating pool of energy, which flows down into the next pool
… but… what is a chakra?? Chakras are believed to be parts of the central and peripheral nervous systems Collections of cells which communicate via quantum processes When quantum energy is received by the body, it comes in through one of these centers Chakras are a means of sensing energy without depending on physical senses like sight and sound http://www.collective-evolution.com/2014/03/15/scientists-quantify-graphically-chart-energy-of-human-chakras-in-various-emotional-states/
Root Chakra Sanskrit: Muladhara Physical identity, stability, safety, groundedness Unbalance causes anxiety, insecurity, shallowness, lack of physical energy, physical exhaustion, nightmares, colon, bladder, or leg/feet issues Repaired by anaerobic exercise, self-acceptance, and affirmations of strength and confidence Associations: Element: Earth Scents/Oils: Cedar, Sage, Rosemary, Patchouli, Cypress, Honeysuckle Crystals: Black Tourmaline, Obsidian, Red Jasper, Black Jasper, Bloodstone, Onyx, Smokey Quartz, Garnet, Ruby, Hematite
Source: chopracentermeditation.com
Sacral Chakra Sanskrit: Svadhisthana Emotional identity, creativity, desire Unbalance causes depression, moodiness, creative blocks, intimacy issues, unreceptiveness to change, addiction Repaired by positive sexual experiences, cooking, gardening, wholesome activities, and affirmations of self-love and positivity Associations: Element: Water Scents/Oils: Gardenia, Fennel, Parsley, Chocolate, Orange, Apricot, Jasmine, Lily, Fern, Aloe, Seaweed, Lemon Crystals: Amber, Carnelian, Wulfinite, Tiger’s Eye, Agate, Orange Calcite
Source: chopracentermeditation.com
Solar Plexus Chakra Sanskrit: Manipura Ego, personal power, ambition, motivation, confidence Unbalance causes low self-esteem, emotional exhaustion, impatience/frustration with others, anger, lack of willpower, fear of rejection, tummy pain/GI issues Repaired by aerobic exercise, fasting for short durations, eating clean and nutritious foods, affirmations of accomplishment Associations: Element: Fire Scents/Oils: Saffron, Musk, Sandalwood, Cinnamon, Ginger, Basil, Garlic, Pepper, Motherwort Crystals: Citrine, Sulphur, Topaz, Calcite, Apetite
Source: chopracentermeditation.com
Heart Chakra Sanskrit: Anahata Social identity, love, relationships, respectfulness, empathy Unbalance causes difficulty with relationships, lack of compassion, hopelessness, paranoia, anger, grief, jealousy, heart conditions, respiratory issues, upper back pain Repaired by spending time alone, giving to charity, and affirmations of kindness Associations: Element: Fire and Air Scents/Oils: Jasmine, Rose, Lavender, Yarrow, Meadowsweet, Oris Root, Vervain, Dill, Primrose Crystals: Aventurine, Emerald, Rhodochrosite, Peridot, Malachite, Green Tourmaline, Dioptase, Kunzite, Pink Tourmaline, Rose Quartz, Harlequin Quartz
Source: chopracentermeditation.com
Throat Chakra Sanskrit: Vishuddha Self-expression, communication, integrity, truth Unbalance causes difficulty communicating and expressing oneself or one’s feelings, mood swings, and indecision Repaired by chanting, singing, writing, telling the truth, being true to yourself, and affirmations of grace Associations: Element: Spirit and Air Scents/Oils: Frankincense, Chamomile, Eucalyptus, Clove, Aspen Crystals: Lapis Lazuli, Turquoise, Azurite, Blue Topaz, Sapphire, Blue Lace Agate, Sodalite, Amazonite, Celestite, Chrysocolla, Aquamarine
Source: chopracentermeditation.com
Third Eye Chakra Sanskrit: Ajna Self-reflection, intuition, clarity of sight, visualization, imagination Unbalance causes poor intuition, lack of concentration, impaired judgment, headaches, trouble sleeping, confusion, and sometimes depression (not as common as with Sacral Chakra) Repaired by meditation, sleeping more, and affirmations of intuitive ability and wisdom Associations: Element: Spirit/Light Scents/Oils: Jasmine, Mint, Mugwort, Mullein, Callea, Almond, Hibiscus, Alfalfa, Bilberry, Eleuthero Root Crystals: Amethyst, Moonstone, Iolite, Indicolite, Indigo Kyanite, Beryl, Lepidolite, Labradorite, Sodalite, Azurite
Source: chopracentermeditation.com
Crown Chakra Sanskrit: Sahaswara Self awareness, spirituality, connection to higher planes, enlightenment Unbalance cases lack of inspiration, aimlessness, loneliness, materialism, lack of spirituality, difficulty meditating, loss of identity, physical or emotional exhaustion, sensitivity to light and sound, poor sleep habits, or migraines Repaired by meditation, ritual, and affirmations of inner divinity Associations: Element: All Elements/No Elements Scents/Oils: Myrrh, Dragon’s Blood, Gotu Kola, Lotus, Ginkgo, Magnolia Crystals: Scolecite, Clear Quartz, White Jade, Diamond, Celestite, Selenite
Source: chopracentermeditation.com
Why Should I Align My Chakras? Kundalini Serpent Goddess rests within us all When she rises through the pools to the Divine plane above the crown, inner power is awakened and ready for use Inner Energy is more easily directed when the chakras are aligned Stream Analogy Stream Analogy – in the red framed image, the pools are clogged and cruddy, so there is less kinetic energy, less motivation to meditate, less serenity. When the clogs are cleared away, the stream is able to flow, and everything becomes clear and healthy once more (blue framed image)
Guided Meditation: Aligning the Chakras Close the shades, lock the doors, dim the lights If incense is desired, use a blend with Myrrh, Dragon’s Blood, and/or Sandalwood Light a candle if that helps as well Close your eyes, or if comfortable, look into a mirror Imagine a light at the base of your spine if sitting, or your feet if standing which is red, glowing brightly. It feels warm, tingly, and sturdy, rooted to the ground. Next imagine a light at the womb/genitals, glowing bright orange. Next the stomach, yellow, satisfied, the source of all energy for the physical form, and via this chakra, for the magical self as well. Next the heart, glowing green, swirls of shimmery pink, love flows in all directions within this region, a cool, pleasant breeze on a warm summer day. Next, the throat, glowing blue. It feels relaxed and calm, no need to swallow, steady breathes… as air breathing love across a meadow Next the third eye, the forehead, the mind, buzzes with thoughts and processes, but they must be silenced. A void of being, of sensation, of experience, where anything you can imagine can become real. Glowing bright purple Finally, the crown, the whitest and brightest of lights. Does this light generate from you, or from the universe itself. Is this the divinity within, or deity external? With careful lack of thought, one realizes it is both at once. The body and mind should feel light here, as if one could only jump up and fly off away into space and time and reality. Source: chopracentermeditation.com
Improving Metaphysical Health Aligning is easier when chakras are healthy Balance each chakra individually Use crystals, meditation, yoga, and embracing different aspects of self Good site for yoga that benefits each chakra: https://www.yogajournal.com/yoga-101/chakras-yoga-for-beginners Chakra magic works best when you are your truest self
How to Use Chakras: Bubble Casting Align the chakras by any method, such as the guided meditation done previously Allow the energy from one of the chakra centers to extend outside of your body, encapsulating all of the rest within it Remember, each element contains some amount of the other elements Each chakra is really part of one overall system, and when they are aligned, there is little difference between each Casting is usually from one of the lower chakras Rarely from the throat, third eye, or crown These are higher resonance, and harder to control Normally, the lower 4 chakras are for evocation, and the upper 3 chakras are for invocation May be a term coined by AAW, but this way of thinking of things belongs to know one group. Could use “chakra casting” instead, if that is preferred. Note that this is the most basic form of evocation
How to Use Chakras: Healing In healing spells, often the color blue is used When healing with chakras, color candles matching either the target chakra or the chakra of the source of healing energy from the caster can be used For instance, if one’s tummy aches, one may carve a healing rune on a yellow candle, align the chakras, and then light this candle Candles are not necessary Headaches can be treated this way, by allowing the mind to “phase out”
Lecture 3 Homework Read chapters 1-3 of Living Wicca, by Scott Cunningham Read chapters II-IV of Natural Magic, by Doreen Valiente Spend 30 minutes total doing chakra meditation this week Try this same guided meditation in the shower or bath (very relaxing!) Try imagining your chakras aligning while you stand up straighter, and use stretching to help release tension and align the spine Check out the chakra yoga and do some of this instead of just meditating! Practice beginner’s bubble casting at least twice this week Challenge: cast circle without moving! Align the chakras, and then push the boundaries of your energy outward from one of the lower chakra centers Imagine the color of the chakra as a bubble of light extending out and surrounding you, filling the room. Be in control the whole time, moving the energy around, and finally pulling it back in