The Communists Strike Back!! Commies, Koreans, and missiles, oh my!
Recap Marshall Plan -- Alliances Berlin Airlift – Truman shows up Stalin. Cominform and Monolithic Communism NATO vs. Warsaw Pact Defense Pact Economic Ties
New Stuff Russia detonates its first atomic bomb in 1949 Not to be one-upped, Truman okays research for the Hydrogen Bomb (more powerful than the atomic bomb) Note: Truman creates Federal Civil Defense Adm. Role – educate the masses about nuclear catastrophes and how to react to the bomb “duck under desk if nuke gets lobbed over here.” To counter NATO, USSR forms Warsaw Pact (1955). Economic and Military pact b/t USSR and Eastern Europe USSR, CZ, PO, RO, E. Ger, Hun., Bul, Albania
What about China? 1949 – Mao Zedong’s (Communist) forces drive Chiang Kai-shek (Nationalist) from China to Taiwan (Formosa). Nationalists still there. US gives $3b to Chiang to fight Mao. Gone. To keep Chiang in charge, US will have to invade and defeat Mao. Nah
Truman loses China Truman is blamed for losing China to Communism Monolithic Communism Alger Hiss – Truman advisor accused of espionage; he gave secrets to Soviet spies. “Pumpkin papers” Truman looks weak against communism NSC-68 – increase military expenditures and create a permanent standing large army. Korean War
One last thing about Soviet Conduct. “The Sources of Soviet Conduct” by X Journal article in Foreign Affairs History of the rise of communism in Russia History of the Russian people Pressures US to respond firmly.
Korea The Forgotten War
Korea vs. Japan forced to give up Korea after WWII Soviets got North Korea. US gets SK US and USSR pull troops back NK Kim Il-sung SK-Syngman Rhee Two sides hate each other 100,000 Koreans die in civil strife in the late 1940’s
The spark NK attacks SK because SK vulnerable to attack Prove Kim il-sung is a major player in communist activities around the world Get financial and military support from the USSR Stop a NATO like organization in Asia
Here we go. NK invades SK in June of 1950 NK quickly crosses the 38th parallel (line dividing NK from SK) and marches toward Seoul (capital). Truman orders Gen. Doug MacArthur to supply SK army. UN security council “conveniently” okays “police action” in Korea
Fight! Truman is forced to defend Korea because of Domino Theory and Truman Doctrine DT -- If one country falls, others nearby will fall. U.S. populace supports fighting. Congress falls in line very quickly Gives him authority to call up National Guard Gives $1.2B military aid boost $460M can be immediately spent on Korea.
Itchy and Scratchy Gen. Mac invades Inchon, SK 9-15-50 SK capital, Seoul, is liberated within two weeks. NK retreats back to 38th parallel by end of month Gen. Mac pushes NK back to Yalu R. All of NK is under the spell of Gen. Mac
China involves itself 11/50 -- 300,000 Chinese troops strike and push the U.S. back below 38th P. by January 1951 “We are just advancing in a different direction.” – Gen Oliver Smith Truman almost accepts peace offering to return Korea back to normal (N & S)
The end of Mac Embarrassed because he said troops would be home by Christmas, 1950 Shifted blame to President for failures “Pres won’t let me bomb China.” Truman fires Mac on April 11th, 1951 MacArthur comes home as a hero. Addresses both houses of Congress: “Old soldiers never die, they just fade away.” Armistice agreed to by both sides in July, 1953 temporarily ending war.