Vietnam War
Vietnam A nationalist independence movement began in the French-controlled Indochina (Vietnam) and they turned to communist help. Ho Chi Minh founded the Vietminh League. The Vietminh had the most support in the countryside.
Vietnam The domino theory was the idea that the Southeast Asia nations would fall to communism like a string of dominoes. The Vietcong were opponents to the leader, Diem. Diem was overthrown and assassinated with the help of the US
Vietnam The US sent 185,000 troops to prevent North Vietnam from taking over the South. 2 difficulties for US troops were Fighting a guerrilla war in the jungle The South Vietnamese government was becoming more and more unpopular
Vietnam & Cambodia When the US withdrew their troops, North Vietnam quickly invaded the South. The Khmer Rouge were Communist rebels who set up a brutal Communist government in Cambodia. Following the war, the Vietnamese people were forced to leave and start new lives in new lands.
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