The Capitol Building c.1800
1800 Election Results (16 states in the Union) Thomas Jefferson Virginia Democratic-Republican 73 52.9% Aaron Burr New York John Adams Massachusetts Federalist 65 47.1% Charles Pinckney South Carolina 64 46.4% John Jay 1 0.7% Total Number of Electors 138 Total Electoral Votes Cast 276 Number of Votes for a Majority 70
1800 Election Results Adams Jefferson
1800 Election Results (Into the House of Representatives!!) 1 vote for each State Thomas Jefferson Virginia Democratic-Republican 10 62.5% Aaron Burr New York 4 25.0% Blank ------- 2 12.5%
Jeffersonian Philosophy Strict interpretation of Constitution=weak central gov’t Small gov’t and less taxes Agricultural (farming) society Sided with the French
First Inaugural Address Essential Principles of Government “equal and exact justice to all men” “peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations” “the support of state governments” “the preservation of general government” punishment for those who choose to revolt compliance with the decisions of the majority
United streaming- 2 minutes Louisiana Purchase France secretly acquired territory in 1800 Napoleon willing to sell for war $ Madison was sent to buy New Orleans- just the port! Bought the whole territory for $15 million (524,800,000 acres) Purchasing land not mentioned in Constitution… United streaming- 2 minutes
The Louisiana Purchase
Which nations might be concerned by U.S. encroachment?
Lewis and Clark lead the Corps of Discovery
Into the Unknown…
Lewis and Clark Expedition January 18, 1803 Jefferson asks Congress for funds to explore the land west of the Mississippi His goal is to find a water route to the Pacific May 1804 Meriwether Lewis and William Clark depart on the expedition
Lewis and Clark Expedition January 18, 1803 Jefferson sends a secret message to congress regarding the Lewis and Clark Expedition In this message Jefferson asks for permission to establish trading with the Indians
Second Inaugural Address Delivered on March 4, 1805 Stresses the importance of American neutrality in matters of foreign affairs Outlines the Louisiana Purchase and the processes by which the original inhabitants of the land will become citizens of the United States Stresses the importance of harmony amongst all inhabitants of America
Neutral Rights, Impressment, Embargo Jefferson cut the size of the military by more than half French and British both threaten US ships on high seas British impress (take prisoner) American citizens (Chesapeake-Leonard Affair) Jefferson decides to stop all trade with the Embargo Act
The Embargo Act 1807
The Embargo Act 1807 No foreign trade at all Economic slump begins Embargo-runners emerge Not good for the republican party
“John Bull Taking A Lunch”
James and Dolley Madison
James Madison Jefferson’s Secretary of State Most intelligent of Founding Fathers “Father of the Constitution” Won 1808 and 1812 elections James Madison