Heat Radiation Some of the heat energy from the Sun reflects off the atmosphere back into space Atmosphere Some heat enters the atmosphere Earth
Some heat energy is absorbed by the ground What happens when heat radiation hits the ground? Some heat energy is reflected back into the atmosphere. This depends on the Earth’s albedo. Some heat energy is absorbed by the ground
What happens to heat radiation after it is reflected by the ground? Some heat escapes back into space. Some heat is absorbed by… H2O CH4 CO2 greenhouse gases
The higher the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere… … the more heat is absorbed by the atmosphere. The more heat radiation that is absorbed by greenhouse gases… … the warmer the atmosphere becomes.
What happens if the temperature of the atmosphere increases? The polar ice caps will… …melt
Sea levels will… …rise
The main greenhouse gases are:
Sources of Greenhouse Gases Rotting vegetation produces… Burning fuels produces… … carbon dioxide …methane Methane Animals produce… Carbon dioxide (Mostly burps, but also… (Respiration) …some farts!)
Plants remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, in a process called… … photosynthesis Chopping down trees… …increases the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, by… … reducing the rate of photosynthesis
Mr. Gore thinks this may be a bad idea – why? Mr Bush wants to improve his image by building a hydroelectric power station. This will mean flooding the Conn River valley. Mr. Gore thinks this may be a bad idea – why? When the valley is flooded, the trees will rot, producing… methane
Mr Bush has bought a large tract of Amazonian Rain Forest. He wants to…. Turn part of the land into pasture for cattle Build a factory to turn the cattle into hamburgers. These hamburgers will be sold to McDonalds What is the likely impact of this plan on global warming? Explain your answer as fully as possible.
Increased Greenhouse Effect Effects Global warming by up to 3 degrees Celsius over the next 50 years Rising sea levels due to thermal expansion of water
Increased Greenhouse Effect Flooding of low –lying land Melting of glaciers and polar ice More frequent storms and hurricanes Changes in weather patterns
Increased Greenhouse Effect Measures to reduce climate change Increase photosynthesis and reduce emissions by: Restoring ecosystems where there has been deforestation or desertification Spreading nutrients such as iron in nutrient-deficient oceans to encourage algal growth
Increased Greenhouse Effect Reducing energy consumption; insulation, smaller vehicles, local grown food instead of transported Changing from fossil fuels to solar, wind, or nuclear
Human Impact Your turn now! Research your own example of human impact damaging the environment. You will work in groups of 2 to create a Power Point Presentation that you will present in class.
Human Impact Requirements: Your Power Point should contain 5 sections (phenomenon, human activity, causes, effects, measures) and a title slide. Each member will need to present approximately half of the information. You must provide me with your presentation BEFORE the day you present! Which means before . . .