Be ready to discuss in a few minutes Warm- Up By yourself, then in your group, answer the following questions: Describe, in your own words, a few of the events that helped to lead to the Civil War. Be sure to explain HOW they caused the Civil War. Be ready to discuss in a few minutes
A Really Quick Civil War Review
Civil War – Quick Facts 1861- 1865 Lincoln = President North vs. South Cause = Slavery Border States = states that allowed slavery that stayed with the Union (Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland)
In your groups, hypothesize who had the advantage in each of the following categories, and why? Who had the stronger military? Why do you say that? Economy? Why? Industry? Why? Transportation? Why? Population? Why?
Turn and talk: What are 5 things this graph tells us about the Civil War?
What was the Anaconda Plan? It was General George Winfield Scott’s war strategy (North). Key ideas: 1) “Anaconda Plan” – blockade 2) take Mississippi River to split in South in 2 (divide & conquer) 3) Free slaves to undermine economy 4) Grind it out
What was the Emancipation Proclamation? September 22, 1862 Lincoln declares slaves living in Confederate States were free! IMP-B/C: Changed meaning of the war , now it was a war of liberation! Turn & Talk: Why do you think Lincoln only freed slaves in the Confederate States?
2 Generals Grant (north) Lee (south)
What were the turning points of the War? Antietam ends chance for South to get foreign support Vicksburg splits the South in two and lets the North control the Mississippi Gettysburg was last real push North by Lee and the Confederacy After Gettysburg everyone knew it was just a matter of time
What was the Gettysburg Address? 2 minute 271 speech given by Lincoln Dedicates a National Cemetery for soldiers who died at Gettysburg Nov 19 1863 Redirected political thought in America toward idea of “equality” Introduces new way Americans view themselves & their government Learn the Address
The End of the War Sherman’s March to the Sea Battle of Appomattox Courthouse – War is Over, Lee Surrenders to Grant Lincoln is assassinated a day later
Today’s Activity: Primary Source analysis Individually or in a group: Discuss and answer the following questions about the meaning of the Gettysburg Address (you must mark your paper): 1. What does “Four score and seven years ago” mean? 2. What is Lincoln referring to in this first sentence? 3. What is the purpose of the address that Lincoln is giving? 4. Why does Lincoln say that “we can not dedicate—we can not consecrate— we can not hallow—this ground?” Cite evidence from the text in your response. 5. What then can we do? What does Lincoln say is the task “for us the living?” Why? 6. What was “that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion?” Do you think all of the soldiers who died fighting at Gettysburg were fighting for the same cause? Why or why not? 7. In the last clause, what is meant by government “of the people, by the people, for the people”?
Create a Venn Diagram comparing equality back then to today. How does Lincoln’s idea of equality differ from ours today? How is it the same? Create a Venn Diagram comparing equality back then to today.