Frances Bean 24th February 2005 Wave Energy Frances Bean 24th February 2005
Wave Energy Estimated practicable amount of energy from waves from around the UK- 50TWh/year from offshore 2.1TWh/year from near shore (<20miles from the coast) thus ~16% of UK energy demand Not yet achievable 15.8%
Many different devices and many problems. - Osprey - Stingray - Pelamis - Limpet Osprey- sunk Stingray-still very much experimental Pelamis- one made but currently not in use due to weather conditions Limpet- one
Pelamis Facts Produces 750kW per device Load factor ~31% Thus 232.5kW per device 2.03MWh annually per device Each device 120m by 3.5m in size Requires water depth 50-60m Require 50kW/m of energy from waves Require 120m between devices
Pelamis Pelamis 40 devices in 1km2 produce 30MW but with a load factor of 31% only 9.3MW and so 81.375GWh Build 40 devices every 3 months -1km2 every month 160 devices built a year, 4km2 a year Could therefore have 3200 devices so 6496GWh if in the next 5 years the technology could be developed Space required for manufacture, need 40 locations Space for devices 80km
Pelamis Pelamis Restrictions on development Space available Cost Weather
Pelamis Pelamis Projections considering problems 2010 - 2 in use - 4.06GWh 2015 - 10 in use - 20GWh 2020 - 40 in use - 81.2GWh 2025 - 80 in use - 162.4GWh 2030 - 200 in use - 406GWh
Limpet Facts Produces 500kW Restrictions on development per device Load factor ~40% Thus 200kW per device 1.75MWh annually per device Restrictions on development Location Manufacture COST WEATHER
Limpet Projections 2010 - 1 in use - 1.75GWh 2015 - 2 in use - 3.5GWh
TOTAL annually 2010 - 5.81GWh 2015 - 23.5GWh 2020 - 88.2GWh assuming only the two devices could be used when others may be developed by 2030 Others could be developed but unlikely