Persian War I 500-492 BCE
Persian War I 500 BCE Greek colonists living in Asia Minor revolt against the Persian Empire. Athenians help the colonists revolt. Darius, the Persian King, is angry and wants to punish Athens for helping out. He takes 5,000 troops by boat to go crush Athens.
Persian War I On the way, a storm destroys half of Persia’s fleet. The other half sails on to fight. They off load at Marathon in 492 BCE.
Persian War I It is a swampy and foggy place where the Athenians can easily attack. They run the Persians all the way back to the boats.
Persian War I Nearly 2,000 are killed. Darius is defeated and angrily returns to Persia. He vows revenge.
Persian War II 480 BCE
Persian War II Darius’s son, Xerxes, led a huge army to revenge his father’s defeat and conquer Greece. Army is estimated at over 150,000 men and 600 navy ships.
Persian War II The Greeks realize they must delay Xerxes as long as possible to give Athens more time to build up navy. They decide to send forces north to Thermopylae to sacrifice themselves to give Greece a chance. Greeks forces are about 10,000 men.300 Spartans
Persian War II Xerxes was not at all scared of the small Greek army led by King Leonidas of Sparta. Xerxes waited four days for the Greeks to surrender and then launched a massive attack. The Greeks retreated into the narrow pass and repeatedly defeated the limited number of soldiers, including the elite immortals, who entered.
Persian War II Unfortunately, a Greek traitor named Ephilates, told Xerxes how to get around the pass. Leonidas learned of this and told the Greek army to retreat. To give them time, Leonidas stayed with only 300 Spartans to hold the pass. The Spartans fought bravely until their death. Even fighting with their hands when their weapons broke.
Persian War II Xerxes marches on to Athens but no one is there. He burns the city. Themistocles had already fled the city and prepared to fight at Salamis with prepared Athenian navy.
Persian War II Greece defeats the Persian fleet at Salamis. Xerxes returns to Persia leaving army. Persian army is defeated at Plataea. Ends danger of Persian invasion.
Peloponnesian War Sparta vs Athens
Peloponnesian War 431-405 BCE Sparta is jealous of Athenian success with Delian League. They are at war, off and on, for 27 years. Athens has stronger navy and Sparta has stronger army. Neither can get advantage.
Peloponnesian War Sparta gets help from Persian navy to block Athen’s port and keep Athens from getting supplies. Athens surrenders. Both Athens and Sparta (also all other city-states) are now too weak to defend from future invasions.