7 MILLION 6 MILLION 2.7 MILLION urgently needing aid lives lost Conflict has exacted a high price on the long-suffering people of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). 2.7 MILLION on the move From 2012 brutal violence forced 2.7 million Congolese to flee their homes. Today the misery continues.
'The conflict in the DRC has claimed over 6 million lives either as a direct result of fighting or because of disease and malnutrition. Violence against women is all to common in this conflict riven country where thousands of women and girls are victims each day.'
HELP FIND A WAY THROUGH THE TEARS Annamaria* has eight children and also cares for her sister's children and four orphans 'They took everything, my body, my health, my husband. My children fled. They destroyed my field, my home' For someone like Annamaria your gift could be a source of hope *name changed to protect identity
• EMERGENCY • EMERGENCY • EMERGENCY • EMERGENCY • EMERGENCY • EMERGENCY • EMERGENCY • EMERGENCY • EMERGENCY • EMERGENCY • EMERGENCY • £35 could help a woman like Annamaria recover from her ordeal by providing psychosocial support to help restore her sense of dignity and self-worth 1 PETER 1:3 'The teaching on healing of memories has helped to heal us [the survivors] and deal with our emotions.’ Annamaria
'Arise, Lord! Lift up your hand, O God. Do not forget the helpless.’ Psalms 10:12
LET'S BRING GOD'S LIGHT WHERE THE NEED IS GREATEST • EMERGENCY • EMERGENCY • EMERGENCY • EMERGENCY • EMERGENCY • EMERGENCY • EMERGENCY • EMERGENCY • EMERGENCY • EMERGENCY • EMERGENCY • LET'S BRING GOD'S LIGHT WHERE THE NEED IS GREATEST Please pray for the thousands of displaced people, having to flee their homes and leave their possessions. Pray for protection as they try to live in insecure camps, that they will feel the presence of the Prince of Peace. Pray for God's presence and protection over survivors of violence, as well as the safety of women and children who are being specifically targeted in this conflict.
Please continue to pray and give what you can today OUR UNITED PRAYERS AND GIFTS CAN MAKE A WORLD OF DIFFERENCE IN THE DRC • EMERGENCY • EMERGENCY • EMERGENCY • EMERGENCY • EMERGENCY • EMERGENCY • EMERGENCY • EMERGENCY • EMERGENCY • EMERGENCY • EMERGENCY • Please continue to pray and give what you can today www.tearfund.org/DRC Registered Charity No. 265464 (England & Wales) Registered Charity No. SC037624 (Scotland)