Serbian - Bulgarian mini-network telescopes: First simultaneous observations of variable objects S. Boeva G. Damljanović B. Petrov B. Spasov M. Sekulić G.Latev
Telescopes 60 cm Vidojevica 50/70 Shmidt Rozhen 60 cm Belogradchik 2m Rozhen
Intention for simultaneous observations: 1. Need of 5-band photometry for our research of fast flux changes of cataclysmic and symbiotic variables (or other objects). 2. Time resolution of CCD frames. 3. Avoiding accidental local and instrumental errors.
Amplitude – average flux relation for 9 cataclysmic and symbiotic stars (From Zamanov et al., MNRAS, 457, 2016)
Temperature of flickering source V 425 Cas
UBVRI light curves of V425 Cas from 08.12.2015 and 09.12.2015
UBVRI light curves of V794 Aql 08.12.2015
The first Bulgarian – Serbian “synchron”: HZ Her 23.06.2015
Congratulations to the Serbian colleagues for the new 1. 4 m telescope Congratulations to the Serbian colleagues for the new 1.4 m telescope! Thank you for attention!