Buddhism Global Studies I
Similarities to Hinduism Grew out of Vedic religious traditions Karma, Dharma, Moksha (called Nirvana) Reincarnation Nonviolence (Ahimsa)
Origins of Buddhism Siddhartha Gautama Left a privileged life to discover “the realm of life where there is no suffering or death” Reached enlightenment Became the Buddha – “enlightened one”
Major Beliefs of Buddhism Four Noble Truths: Ordinary life is full of suffering. The cause of suffering is the desire. The only cure for suffering is to overcome desire. The way to overcome desire is to follow the Eightfold Path
Major Beliefs of Buddhism Eightfold Path right views right conduct right contemplation right aspirations right mindfulness right effort right livelihood right speech Views Conduct Contemplation Aspirations Mindfulness Effort Livelihood Speech V.ery C.ool C.A.M.E.L.S.
Major Beliefs of Buddhism Through meditation a person might achieve enlightenment or Nirvana: the union with the universe and release from the cycle of rebirth.
Buddhism Spreads Split into two major schools of thought Theravada: more like Buddha’s original teachings Mahayana: easier for everyday people to follow, and worshiped Buddha as god.
How is Buddhism different from Hinduism? Buddhism rejected the priests, formal rituals, and existence of many gods Buddhists rejected the caste system offering hope of nirvana to all