Aspects of the program structure Tyler “Sudoku Samurai” Hinman LEGUP HCI Aspects of the program structure Tyler “Sudoku Samurai” Hinman
Window Arrangement Original layout: Frames within one window Now, each element (puzzle, tree, rules, menus) is in its own window Taskbar clogging? Make it possible to unite windows?
Tree Structure A user might click a node to bring back a previous state If the user goes on to make edits, should those changes be reflected in the selected node, or a new branch? Would it depend on whether things are being added or subtracted? Should there be an Add Node button? Should all nodes have to be added this way?
Adding Tree Nodes However we add nodes, when is it done? Option #1: To add a node, the user must click Add Node, which will add a child to the currently selected node. The new node will inherit its parent’s state, ready to be changed. Option #2: The user can select a node, make changes to it, and click Add Node, which will restore the existing node’s state at selection, then create the child reflecting the user’s changes. Option #3: A new child is created automatically after any change, or perhaps a certain type of change (application of a rule from the menu, etc.)