U.S. Department of the Interior U.S. Geological Survey Commercial Remote Sensing Data Contract (CRSDC).
Core Mission Meet the Nations needs for current base geographic data and maps. Through Partnerships with federal, state, and local governments and the private sector, USGS committed to providing the Nation with access to current, accurate, and nationally consistent topographic maps and geospatial and remotely sensed data.
CRSDC CRSDC is a tool to be used in meeting the geospatial data needs of the USGS, other Federal, State, and Local governmental entities. The contracts allow access to commercially available data from both airborne and satellite platforms. Commercial Item IDIQ three year contracts Broad licensing emphasized
CRSDC - Aerial n Negotiations/awards – Complete Three contracts were signed in FY2003 for delivery of off-the-shelf airborne orthophoto type data. The three vendors under contract thus far are; Aerials Express LLC, GlobeXplorer LLC, and AirPhoto USA. Wide variety of license agreements available from all three vendors at competitive prices. 22,000+ Sq/miles procured for homeland security Negotiations and award are complete with one additional vendor for elevation data – InterMap
CRSDC - Aerial Aerials Express LLC Digital OQ type data Over 200,000 square miles currently archived Base 2 foot Single Organization NTE $ foot resolution unrestricted license NTE $36.00 Unrestricted License has sunset clause
CRSDC - Aerial
n AirPhoto USA Digital OQ type data – 1 meter to 3 inch Over 250,000 square miles currently archived Base 2 foot Single Organization NTE $ foot resolution unrestricted license NTE $48.00 Sunset negotiated (delivery order) based on photo date
CRSDC - Aerial
GlobeXplorer LLC Digital OQ type data – 1 foot and 6 inch Base 1 foot Single Organization NTE $ foot resolution unrestricted license 200% uplift Public domain available for 300% uplift
CRSDC - Aerial Intermap Technologies 500,000 square miles of archive DSM and ORI from IFSAR Archive agreement includes uplift for multiple organizations NEXTMap USA currently single organization only DSM and DTM $65.00 to $18.00 depending on volume ORI $26.00 to $5.00 depending on volume
CRSDC - Aerial Delivery Orders Twelve Metro areas acquired for Homeland Security – over 22,000 square miles Average cost just less than $26.00 per mile Time required for delivery less than 2 weeks Unlimited distribution license with sunset clause
CRSDC Satellite Negotiations/awards – Complete l Three contracts signed in June 2004 for IDIQ delivery of off-the shelf commercial satellite data. The three vendors are Space Imaging, ORBIMAGE, and Digital Globe. Archive and New Tasking available l Contracts vary in terms of licensing, pricing, and discounts available l Prices are based on current commercial price list
CRSDC – Space Imaging Space Imaging l l All products commercially available l Licensed from Single Organization through Non- Commercial Unrestricted l Discounts 25% immediate through 45% if volume levels met l Large area collects very aggressively priced (up to 80%)
CRSDC – Space Imaging n Non-Commercial Unrestricted l Space Imaging retains all ownership rights in the product l Permits distribution of the Product and any derived works to any entity or person by the customer for non- commercial use l Permits posting the Product and derived works with copyright markings with credit Includes Space Imaging LLC
CRSDC - ORBIMAGE ORBIMAGE l l All products commercially available l Licensed from Single Organization through Federal Civil Premier l Discounts 3% immediate through 15% if volume levels met
CRSDC - ORBIMAGE n Federal Civil Premier/DoD Title 50 l Permits use by all US Civilian Federal Government Organizations and use by US State and Local governments. Excludes DoD and Title 50 (100%) l DoD/Title 50 permits use by all DoD organizations and Title 50 organizations as defined by 50 U.S.C. 401a (50%) l May display imagery and derived product with copyright markings
CRSDC –Digital Globe n Digital Globe l l All products commercially available l Licensed only as Civil Organization and Global Civil Organization l Discounts 15% immediate through 21% if volume levels met
CRSDC –Digital Globe n Civil Organization (base price) l This license applies to multiple users within multiple civil government agencies at multiple locations, located within a single country l May release limited hardcopy on non-commercial basis, prohibits distribution at the cost of reproduction l May post view only color composite jpeg without geospatial information and with copyright markings l DoD/Title 50 limited to single organization (40%)
In order for a Non-USGS- Geography Discipline organization to use the CRSDC, it is necessary to formulate a Partnership Agreement.
Key Elements of the Agreement Statement of Work. Financial Arrangements. Billing Arrangements. Delivery Dates and particulars. Purpose. Contacts. Restrictions. Signatures of authorized personnel for each organization involved.
Financial Aspects: It is important to identify the customer type and the source of funds used for paying for the work. Non-Federal Other Federal Agencies (Not USGS). USGS Disciplines
Non-Federal (JFA) Customers (state or local agencies) n Agreement Instrument: JFA form , scope of work, Taxpayer ID Number n Billing Method: Form DI-1040, Bill for collection. n Assessment Rate Used: FY04, special assessment rate 5%.
Other Federal Agencies (Not USGS) DOD Agreement Instrument: MIPR, Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request. Billing Method: Most DOD agencies accept Inter-government Payment and collections. (IPAC). Special requirements that DOD places on billings. Assessment Rate Used: For FY04, special assessment rate 5%.
Other Federal Agencies Paying with purchase order Agreement Instrument: still best to obtain agreement document and SOW. Billing Method: purchase order specifies date, must award prior to date or funds lost. Federal agencies cannot be billed prior to receiving agency (USGS) earns the money. Assessment Rate used: For FY04, special assessment rate is 5%.
USGS Disciplines using Appropriated funding. Agreement Instrument: Change of Allocation Request. Billing Method: The Change of Allocation procedure accomplishes the billing process. Assessment Rate Used: For FY04 the cost center overhead rate of 21.66% is applied to all CRSDC contract awards using appropriated funds.