Our topic this half term is Out Of This World Our topic this half term is Out Of This World! We have highlighted just some of the things we have been looking at in Year 1. Please support your child by encouraging them to bring in anything related to our topic from home. Please speak to us if you have any concerns at all. Computing Programmable toys (Beebots) Algorithms Internet safety History Apollo 11 Moon Landing Neil Armstrong and Tim Peake Chronology Music Art and DT Van Gogh – Starry Night Chalk pastels Science The Solar System Planetarium Materials Long term pond study Year 1 Spring Term Literacy Non – fiction texts (The Moon Landing) Features of non-fiction texts Storytelling Diary writing Speaking and Listening Drama/role play Individual Reading Phonics Handwriting PSHE Valuing Difference PE Basketball Ball skills and control Throwing and catching Passing a ball Invasion games Maths Counting in 2s and 10s 10 more and 10 less Odd and even numbers Addition and subtraction of one-digit and two-digit numbers to 20 Introduction to multiplication Problem solving RE Change