Really?! The Internet is full of useful information. How many times have you found a starting point for your homework or classwork on the Internet? But is it always true? How can we separate fact from fiction? Lets have a go!
Task 1 Follow this link: Answer the following questions: What is dhmo? What are the dangers of dhmo? Is dhmo present in milk? Where is dhmo used? Alt link
So what is Dihydrogen Monoxide? Water! The website is FAKE! We sometimes call these types of websites a spoof as they are designed to poke fun at something people don’t commonly know.
Task 2 Follow this link: Answer the following questions: What is SETI? What do SETI do? Has SETI ever been successful? How does SETI work?
So what is seti? The search for extra-terrestrial life! And it is 100% genuine! SETI is over 10 years old and has millions of people taking part. SETI has not found evidence of alien life yet but one day they might!!!
Searching for the truth It can be very easy to get caught out when searching the Internet, wrong and fake information can be found all over the Internet. It is your job to find the truth and accurate information every time! But how do you do this?
Brainstorm some ideas about how to effectively search the Internet. Effective searching
Points to remember Who is the website author? What is the page’s purpose? What are opposing view points? What do other sources/ websites say? And most importantly: What do your instincts tell you?
Task You are going to create a poster about the moon landing. There is an awful lot of information out there about the moon landing. It will be your job to find facts and include these in your poster. Remember trust your instincts. You must NOT use Wikipedia.
Task continued Your poster must include the following information. Who was the first man to walk on the moon? How far is it from the moon to the earth? How many crewed Apollo missions happened? What was the date man first walked on the moon?
Answers Your poster must include the following information. Who was the first man to walk on the moon? Neil Armstrong How far is it from the moon to the earth? Between 360,000km and 405,000km How many crewed Apollo missions happened? 11 What was the date man first walked on the moon? 20th July 1969
Finally How did you compare sources? How did you separate fact from fiction? What was the first website you went to and how did you check this was correct? Share your work/ problems/ ideas with the class!