“Guidelines for Success” Module 3 “Guidelines for Success”
Session Objectives Understand the importance of a “Guidelines for Success” Develop School-wide “Guidelines for Success” for your campus
Why “Guidelines for Success are so Important” Setting and communicating school-wide and classroom rules is an important first step in building an effective school-wide PBIS system Well-designed guidelines/expectations Convey to students what teachers expect Guide student behavior Strengthen teacher monitoring and correction of behavior
When your students are adults, what would you like for them to be able to say they learned at your school? (values, traits, etc.) This is another way to think about “Guidelines for Success”. If a parent walked into your school or classroom and asked you what their child needed to do to be successful, what will you tell them?
What Does it Take to Be Successful in Your School? We do things for people we love/care about. Bottom line, what people take with them when they leave public education is more than numbers and letters, it’s feelings.
Be Respectful Be Responsible Be Ready
Commerce High School: an elegant example of use of what already holds meaning on your campus: CHS
Attitudes, Behaviors & Traits
Respectful and responsible Team Herbie GUIDELINES FOR SUCCESS The Orange Civil, courteous and caring C R U S H Respectful and responsible Understands behavior guidelines Safety first Honest and honorable
REACH for the Stars
Northwest REACH Chant Students and teachers all reach success- We will make Northwest the best! Two R’s To all Eagerness To learn Awesome Attitude Caring Cooperative Honest Always Northwest STARS are the best! Some schools develop a chant or cheer using their “Guidelines for Success” and use it as a way to promote it in their school. The use of an active participation activity also helps people to remember them. This chant is from Northwest Elementary in Pflugerville ISD.
We feel Pride in every way. We’ll persevere to do our best. Odom Eagles need to say. We feel Pride in every way. We’ll persevere to do our best. We’ll show respect from east to west. We have integrity. We are dependable. Odom Eagles start your day. Eager to learn in work and play. Written by Carol Dusek
Defining School-wide Behavioral Expectations Worksheet Safe Responsible Respectful Hallways Cafeteria Restrooms Buses Library Classroom This slide shows how School-wide rules or behavior expectations for each common area are linked to their Guidelines for Success. For Example: What does behavior look like to keep our school safe when students are in the hallways, cafeteria, on the bus, etc?
Guidelines for Success (GFS) GFS define what a school is about All staff and students should know them Example: Aggie Honor Code- “An Aggie does not lie, cheat or steal or tolerate those who do”. Another way to think about GFS: It is a code the school lives by. Not all students come to school knowing what is required for success. When the skills, attitudes, and traits required for success are incorporated into the school culture, students do not have to guess what they are. Example:The Blueberry Story: The teacher gives the businessman a lesson (Can be located on the internet). Guidelines for Success lessons can make a real difference in the lives of students. Guidelines for Success set the tone for a school’s climate and provide a focus for all members of the school community. 4. Have participants review Handout 3.1: Guidelines for Success Samples 3-5 brief statements or phrases that describe skills, traits, and attitudes embraced by a campus that they believe lead to student success in school and life. These are not rules, they are more like goals or life-long learning tasks. Expectation is that these are the ideals that staff can be passionate about and pass on that passion to the student body.
Use School-wide Guidelines for Success to… Create a common language Reinforce students for following the expectations of the school. Correct misbehavior Provide specific feedback, rather than being vague
Make your “Guidelines for Success” (School-wide Expectations) Come Alive! Remind Re-teach Recognize
Module 3: Team Assignment To increase buy in, staff will choose the language they want to speak so they feel invested in using the language Develop a plan for how your team will work with the rest of your staff to develop your school-wide “Guidelines for Success” Offer 2 or 3 pre-chosen “Guidelines for Success” Allow an “other” box just in case someone wants to offer up an additional choice Go with the majority Report Out If a school already has GFS in place, it is important to review them and decide if they are still the important attitude, traits, etc. they want for their campus. Sometimes a campus has several initiatives taking place at the same time and all of them reflect specific words or character traits. It is important to decide how they will compliment one another and not confuse the students and staff.