Water Filtration in the Wild RET is funded by the National Science Foundation, grant # EEC-1404766. Joseph Todd Hamilton | Academy of World Languages | Middle Grades Science | Cincinnati Public Schools Research Challenge Based Learning Standards Standards Real world problem solving. Real world application. Collaborative team learning. Student led. 21st century skills. Title Synthesis and Characterization of Different Forms of Cu Nanoparticles to Mitigate its Leaching to Water Bodies Goals and Objectives Synthesize copper nanoparticles. Characterize copper nanoparticles. Assess how polyvinyl acid affects size. Identify impact of environmental factors. Analyze the photocatalytic activity. Rocks, minerals, and soil have common and practical uses (SC.6.ESS.5) Minerals have specific quantifiable properties (SC.6.ESS.2) Use appropriate mathematics, tools, and techniques to gather data and information (SC.5-8.3) Analyze and interpret data (SC.5-8.4) Develop descriptions, explanations, models, and predictions. (SC.5-8.5) Recognize and internalize alternate solutions (SC.5-8.7) Research Process Big Idea Natural filtration of water. Synthesizing and Classification Cu Nanoparticles https://sites.google.com/site/ceemscbl/home/CBL%20Flowchart.jpg?attredirects=0 Engineering Design Process Samples of copper carbonate with varying amounts of PVA. http://www.sare.org/var/ezflow_site/storage/images/media/images/outreach-images/books/building-soils-for-better-crops/figure5.8/1266272-1-eng-US/fIGURE5.8_large.jpg The Hook: Lost in the Wild Copper (Cu) nanoparticles are synthesized by pumping copper chloride, reducing agents (carbonate and iodide), and polyvinyl acid (PVA) into a common beaker for mixing. Lost in the wild. Need food and water to live. Water must be clean to drink. Resources only found in nature. HDD (Hydrodynamic Diameter) measures the average size https://uc.edu/provost/initiatives/elearning/strategic-initiatives/ceems/jcr%3acontent/MainContent/textimage_0/image.img.jpg/1471991895942.jpg https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/61FbXZT3CBL_.jpg