Ms. Soroe Algebra II 2018-19 Contact Information CLASS MATERIALS (504) 301-2600 Room 205 Required: Requested:


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Presentation transcript:

Ms. Soroe Algebra II 2018-19 Contact Information CLASS MATERIALS (504) 301-2600 Room 205 Required: Requested: ☐ 1.5-2 inch 3-ring binder ☐ pack of pencils/loose-leaf ☐ Dividers (5 pack) ☐ hand sanitizer ☐ Loose-leaf paper (keep stocked) ☐ box of Kleenex ☐ Sharpened pencils with erasers ☐ expo markers Course Description This course explores algebraic concepts and applications in real-life context. Some topics covered in this course include: Quadratic Functions: analyzing key features, graphing, writing equations, solving quadratic functions Complex Numbers: the imaginary unit, i Transformations of Functions Systems of Linear and Non-linear Equations Polynomial Functions: attributes of, operations with, and graphing polynomial functions Grades Binder Set-up Nine weeks breakdown: Section 1 – ACT Prep - weekly ACT Prep lesson starters Section 2 – Vocabulary - vocabulary words and definitions Section 3 – Notes - daily notes, Springboard lessons, & handouts dated & in chronological order - Extra loose-leaf & graph paper Section 4 – Homework - all homework assignments Section 5 – Assessments - returned assessments should be kept until the end of the semester Parents and students are strongly encouraged to check the Home Access Center on a regular basis to view the most current grades for all classes. 50% 20% 20% 10% 20% Tests Quizzes Homework Classwork Semester Final Grades are composed of: 1st nine weeks – 40% of Final Grade 2nd nine weeks – 40% - of Final Grade Final Exam – 20% of Final Grade Each student will receive an Algebra II Springboard textbook. This is a consumable text that will be used on a daily basis. He/she will be responsible for properly using the book. Students will be responsible for paying for any book that is lost or damaged beyond usable condition. Textbook

YES, YOU MISSED SOMETHING IMPORTANT WHILE YOU WERE ABSENT! Class Expectations Cheating Throughout this course, students will be working both individually and in groups, collaborating with peers. Students are expected to follow all Chalmette High expectations and be Respectful, Responsible, and Positive. Plagiarism is the taking ideas and writings of another and passing them off as one’s own. In this class, plagiarism includes... 1. turning in another’s work as one’s own 2. copying work from anyone else while in or outside of class 3. copying another’s answers on an assessment of ANY kind Students caught cheating will be given a ZERO for the assignment. Absentee Policy YES, YOU MISSED SOMETHING IMPORTANT WHILE YOU WERE ABSENT! vv It is the student’s responsibility to find out what assignments were missed. vv Classwork Homework Any missed classwork assignment must be completed the day after the student returns. If previously assigned work was due on the day of the absence, the work is due upon the student’s return. Practice is vital for success, therefore homework will be assigned on a nightly basis and checked the following day. Students will be given a weekly homework grade averaging completed assignments. Absent students are given one extra day to turn in missed assignments, but previously assigned homework is due upon the student’s return. Quizzes ACT quizzes are given every Friday and announced or unannounced (pop) quizzes will be given about once or twice a week. If a quiz was administered on a day a student was absent, the quiz must be made up on the first day the student returns. Tests Tests will always be announced in advance. If a student is absent for a test, he/she must make-up the assessment within a week of the scheduled testing date. ACT Prep Technology Students will be given ACT Prep lesson starters Monday through Thursday to help prepare for the ACT given in March of their junior year. Every Friday an ACT Prep Quiz will be given. If a student is absent on Friday, then he/she will take the quiz the following Monday. Students will also take a cumulative midterm and final tests based on the weekly ACT lesson starters. Graphing Calculators will be used in class daily and Chromebook computers will be used often. You will be assigned a class number and will only have permission to use the technology corresponding with your number. You are responsible for keeping all technology in top condition. If you notice a problem with either the calculator or computer, report it to me immediately. You will be financially responsible for repair or replacement for damage caused to any technology if not reported immediately. Students are expected to abide by all school and district digital safety rules and guidelines. Failure to do so will result in said student being banned from technology while in Math. Calculator Checkout You have the opportunity to check out a graphing calculator for home use. If you choose to do so, please fill out the attached calculator form.