What lit devices are employed by epic? Essential Questions: What is an epic? What is an epic hero? What lit devices are employed by epic? What role do history & culture play in an epic? What elements of epic are evident in Beowulf?
Reputation – opinion of an individual held by a given group, - Identity as defined by others Anglo-Saxon’s lives were centered around ‘reputation’ – … known forever by the tracks we leave
Answer the following through the composition of a ‘perfect paragraph’ response What is your reputation? Is it accurate? Is it a benefit or hindrance? Provide examples to support your reasoning. “A reputation that took decades to build can be threatened by a single event.”
Our language and literature today is greatly inspired by the warring tribes of Early England Beowulf is considered the first work in English (400 A.D.) It is an Anglo-Saxon epic poem Epics contain a given group’s culture and history
They were Germanic tribes –“guns for hire” – Actually this term is used to describe a culture composed of the Anglos, Saxons, Jutes, and Geats They were Germanic tribes –“guns for hire” – mercenaries brutal, ruthless, scavengers Sent to take Great Britain from Romans / Britons They stay and take control!
Tribal Life – small clans; armies (loyalty and strength most important) Although vicious they had values = loyalty Killing a fellow member of one’s tribe was the worst possible crime ‘Brother-slayer’
Druids – deep pagan roots (Anglos mix with Britons – Druids) Feasts, ceremonies, magic, animism Druids painted their bodies blue before battle Human / animal sacrifice and effigy
Extremely spiritual and violent Limited concept of an afterlife need fame to live on = “momento mori” Reputation = eternal life
Riddles – beauty in mystery = quickness of mind = intellectual strength Boast – confidence was very important must be able to back up claims
Tribal Name and Coat of Arms Coat of Arms – illustration on your shield - conveys reputation - boasts strengths - explains heritage
1. Choose a tribe of 4 or less (you may be a lone warrior) 2. Complete a tribal coat of arms that contains all required elements (view next slide) Frankenstein Project Presentations (Next Tuesday 5/11)
Tribal (Clan) Name Crest (symbol) Field Motto Supporters Charges (strengths) Motto
Mon. – Finish Anglo-Saxon Background Documentary Guided Notes Tues. – Anglo-Saxon Class Notes; Textbook Investigation Wed. – “The Monster Grendel” Thurs. – “The Arrival of the Hero” & “Unferth’s Challenge” Fri. – Creature of Nightmare Group Presentations (Extra Credit: 10 pt. Pass)
(Extra Credit: 10 pt. Pass) Fri. – Creature of Nightmare Group Presentations (Extra Credit: 10 pt. Pass) If you choose to present, sign-up on the presentation sheet at the end of class today.
10.) Why was it customary for Anglo-Saxons to On the back of your viewing guide (write and answer) the following questions: 10.) Why was it customary for Anglo-Saxons to remain on the battlefield even after their lord was killed? 11.) What is the Sutton Hoo? 12.) What is the ‘Blood Eagle’? 13.) Who is Alfred and why is he given the title, “The Great”? 14.) What group eventually takes control from the Anglo-Saxons in 1066?
Barbarians – Saxons Part 1/5 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=awv3oBJ9NXA&feature=related Barbarians – Saxons Part 2/5 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VZ-7CRmKFmc&feature=related Barbarians – Saxons Part 3/5 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6hzRTnDRtTM&feature=related Barbarians – Saxons Part 4/5 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKml-gRrUd0&feature=related Barbarians – Saxons Part 5/5 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7cw-q3ONkQc&feature=related
Berserk – (Berserkers); fierce warriors that fought in EQ: What role does history & culture play in an epic? Berserk – (Berserkers); fierce warriors that fought in a trance like state; unstoppable fury wore the pelt of a wolf or bear Odin’s distinguished warriors
EQ: What role does history & culture play in an epic? Berserk – (Berserkers) Reference in Anglo-Saxon Literature: “His (Odin's) men rushed forwards without amour, were as mad as dogs or wolves, bit their shields, and were strong as bears or wild bulls, and killed people at a blow, but neither fire nor iron told upon them. This was called Berserk-gang.[4]”
Wyrd - Fate or personal destiny "to become or to be due“ EQ: What role does history & culture play in an epic? Wyrd - Fate or personal destiny "to become or to be due“ similar to karma an Anglo-Saxon’s ‘reputation’
Memento Mori – ‘remember death’ EQ: What role does history & culture play in an epic? Memento Mori – ‘remember death’ no afterlife; therefore, achieve immortality by accomplishments (preserve soul) through reputation.
The goal of Anglo Saxon society was to attain EQ: What role does history & culture play in an epic? Adoration – to regard with the utmost esteem, love, and respect; to honor and worship – idolize The goal of Anglo Saxon society was to attain adoration and fame in order to obtain immortality Methods = poem, statue, jewelry, memorial,…
Scop – Anglo-Saxon Poet - Memorized epic poems and delivered EQ: What role does history & culture play in an epic? Scop – Anglo-Saxon Poet - Memorized epic poems and delivered them at the Mead Hall - ‘Preserved’ the souls of past warriors
Assignment: Open your Literature Book to Pg. 2 2. Provide answers to #1 – 11 on a separate sheet of paper 3. Staple your answers to the back of your guided notes (due at the end of the period)
Prior Knowledge: Have you ever felt excluded? Were you ever turned away because of something you could not help or change? What happened and how did you feel? Record your response to the above question in your guided notes.
EPICS An epic is “a long narrative poem that relates the great deeds of a larger-than-life hero who embodies the values of a particular society” Most epics include elements of myth, legend, folklore, and history. Their tone is serious, and their language is grand. Most epic heroes undertake quests to achieve something of tremendous value to themselves and their society.
EPIC HERO Epic hero represents the values of his culture. Larger than Life ‘Super-human Qualities’
Famous Epic Heroes
(3) Christianity vs. Pagan (4) Cain and Abel CONTEXT: The following elements of Anglo-Saxon history are evident in The Monster Grendel. As we investigate the following terms copy notes in yellow (1) Comitatus (2) Mead Hall (3) Christianity vs. Pagan (4) Cain and Abel
Comitatus - Germanic code of loyalty. Thanes (warriors) swore loyalty to their king (honor / protect) King must be generous in return (give treasure / land) Kings praised for generosity and hospitality. Warriors praised for courage and loyalty
Mead Hall - center of civilization Socializing History preserved (scop – oral poet) Reputations built (brag; give gifts) Sign of tribe’s strength; safe place (sleep)
Christianity vs. Pagan Poem recorded in 400 A.D. However, Anglo’s originally pagan; changed to Christianity after 600 A.D Historians believe Christian allusions in the poem result from transcription by a Christian monk
Grendel is a decendent of Cain Cain and Abel - Biblical sons of Adam and Eve, Cain murdered his brother Abel and was cursed by God (Genesis 4: 8-14) According to legend, Cain fathered a brood of monsters. Grendel is a decendent of Cain
Important Vocabulary: Laments – cries of grief Solace – peace Reparation – payment for crimes / sins (Wergild) Solace – peace
Characters & Important Places (As we read, provide definitions for the following): (1) Herot – Mead Hall under attack (2) Hrothgar – Generous king; suffers from Grendel (3) Grendel – demon from the race of Cain
1. What phrase points to Grendel’s evil nature? “Down in the darkness” suggest an evil lower world. (1-2) 2. What actions did Grendel take when “darkness had dropped”? “Grendel went up to Herot” wanted to see what they did in the hall after they feasted saw them sleeping silently slipped through door and snatched-up 30 men! Smashed them ; ran out with their bodies; left a blood trail
3. According to the Comitatus, Hrothgar’s men must defend their king. However, why do none of Hrothgar’s men challenge Grendel? They are afraid (later the reader will learn the men did make a few unsuccessful attempts then fear took over) 4. Although Grendel’s attacks were brutal, what object did he refuse to touch? Why? Hrothgar’s throne (protected by God) Example of Christian-Pagan References (although a pagan poet may have originally composed and sung the poem, the Christian monk transcribing it probably added Christian elements.)
5. Find an example of Christian-Pagan References lines 90 – 94 pagan elements of “old stone gods” are intermixed with reference to the devil and hell. 6. View Beowulf’s description (lines 109 – 116). What qualities of the epic hero are conveyed by these lines? He is greater than anyone else in the world; he acts quickly to rescue the helpless. Fights when others flee Takes a clan of 14 men
Characterization: What does Grendel look like? List two quotes that characterize Grendel? Draw an illustration in the box to the right (symbolic or caricature) Remember: symbolic representations convey the dominant personality trait of a character. Example: For Bart Simpson, you may draw a sling shot. Caption:, “The sling shot represents Bart’s rebellious nature and desire to create mischief.”
Inference: Why is Grendel angry? What might be symbolic about his choice to attack Herot? Outcaste Suffers due to ancestors Jealous (cannot feast or be ‘civilized’) Symbolically: Good vs. Evil Anarchy vs. Order
Review: Characterization: Grendel – evil, outsider, anarchy Hrothgar – generous Danish king Herot – great mead hall (civilization) under attack Theme(s): Good vs. Evil Chaos vs. Order (Anglo’s Civilization) Foreshadowing: Wergild (man-price) – must be paid for the 30 men slaughtered. (Beowulf)