My Synoptic Project Pitch


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Presentation transcript:

My Synoptic Project Pitch

Tower Descent An escape room set in a tower, you, the player, must solve puzzles in order to obtain the key. Open the trapdoor on each floor to advance, and attempt to escape the tower. It’s basically “Trapped!” the game. Each floor has a different surrounding, but will be centred around a medieval theme. For example, one room may be an armoury, one may be a conference room (Round table etc, King Arthur style), one may be full of tapestry. Each floor will have a puzzle that is based on that floors surroundings.

Tower Descent (Elevator pitch) For : People who want a challenge Who : The Tower Descent is a 3D puzzle game that will challenge you to use your imagination. Unlike other puzzle games, which give you hints and tips to make solving it incredibly easy, Tower Descent will not give any hints should the player choose a harder setting.

Idea & Product Story: The player has been trapped in an old castle tower, and must solve puzzles to escape. Gameplay mechanics: You will be able to pick up items from the room, and store them in an inventory system. These items will then be able to be selected, and used when needed. It is a 3D puzzle game, set in a medieval themed tower. This game shall be made for the PC. There are no characters in my game, just the player.

Style Guide

Story Board

Role Breakdown Product: 3D puzzle game 1 X Programmer Implementing game mechanics such as inventory systems, and helping to make the game run smoothly. 2 X 3D artist Will help with enviromement assets, models and the unity set up. 1 X Animator Will animate things such as a trap door opening, a key turning etc.

MVP Goals The game must at least have two working puzzles, basic level design and an animation for the trap door opening. It should also have a good standard of quality, and be playable within reason by the end.

Stretch goals If possible, I would like all three puzzle levels to be completed, with a working inventory system, there should be animations for things such as keys turning, doors opening, and a high standard of work. If you finish one model, help others to enhance the quality of theirs. There should also be a main menu system and a game over screen which displays the time that it took to complete.