Facing The Future With FAITH The Danger of Worldliness
Worldliness Defined Dictionary Definition: Scriptural Definition: Pertaining to the world Devoted to worldly pleasures ECCL. 1:14 Scriptural Definition: Lust of the Flesh Lust of the Eyes Pride of Life
Worldliness Demonstrated Entertainment vs. God In The Church In Our Personal Lives ROMANS 6:12 Judging: Physical vs. Spiritual In The Church In Our Personal Lives LUKE 10:41, 42
Worldliness Demonstrated Man’s Teaching vs. Scripture In The Church In Our Personal Lives
The Danger of Worldliness Chokes Out The Word MATT. 13:22 Leaving Us Vulnerable MATT. 4:1-11; 2nd PET. 2:20; PSA. 119:11 Making Us Unfruitful JOHN 15:12 The Answer: Focus on Jesus HEB. 12:1, 2; COL. 3:1, 2
The Danger of Worldliness Forsaking The Lord 2ND TIM. 4:10 His Name Profaned Bec. Of Us EZEKIEL 36:20-23 Liable To Condemnation HEB. 2:1-4; 10:36-39 The Answer: Forsake All LUKE 14:33
The Danger of Worldliness We Become God’s Enemies JAS. 4:4 Pleasing Men Over God JOHN 12:42, 43; MATT. 10:33 Fleshly Mind Cannot Please God ROM. 8:5-8; MATT. 6:24 The Answer: Be A Friend of God JOHN 15:14