ONR CONTRACTS & GRANTS PLACEMENT DIVISION Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) Process What is the BAA? BAA defined in the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Part 35 Basic Authority of the BAA originated from the Competition in Contracting Act (CICA) of 1984. For the acquisition of Basic and Applied Research and that part of development not related to the development of a specific system or hardware procurement.” (i.e., RDT&E Budget Activities 1 through 3)
ONR CONTRACTS & GRANTS PLACEMENT DIVISION Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) Process Evaluation performed in accordance with evaluation criteria specified in BAA through peer or scientific review process. Written evaluation reports required on individual proposals Proposals need not be evaluated against each other since they are not submitted against a common work statement.
ONR CONTRACTS & GRANTS PLACEMENT DIVISION What are the BAA's limitations Only for work defined in RDT&E Budget Activities 1 through 3 (formerly Research Categories 6.1 through 6.3a) Can’t be used for Program Management, Engineering, or any other type of support services. “Color” of money will have to be for S&T work.
ONR CONTRACTS & GRANTS PLACEMENT DIVISION How does the authority of the “Unsolicited Proposal” fit in the picture: Policy of Federal Government to encourage submission of new and innovative ideas through BAAs, SBIR topics, STTR topics, Program R&D Announcements, or any other Government-initiated solicitation or program. When the new and innovative ideas do not fall under topic areas publicized under those programs or techniques, the ideas may be submitted as unsolicited proposals. (FAR 15.602)
ONR CONTRACTS & GRANTS PLACEMENT DIVISION Other Topics Program Specific BAAs, particularly for FNCs and INPs Proposal Format Templates Processing time and other issues.