The Hero vs the Antihero
Joseph Campbell’s Hero Cycle
The Antihero A character archetype that is almost as common in modern fiction as the Ideal Hero A protagonist who has the opposite of most of the traditional attributes of a hero. A loner Extreme celibacy or extreme promiscuity Occasional bad dreams/flashbacks We love to hate them More often an antihero is just an amoral misfit
Qualities of the Hero and the Antihero
Mad Max – an antihero Mad Max is a great example of an anti-hero He walks away from being a cop to wage a war of vengeance, and as the world falls apart, He reappears, always thinking about himself first, and willing to help survivors only if they had something to offer him. By the third movie he’s just a shell, who refuses to go with people who would care for him, love him, because he goes alone. He only helps others when he has something to lose by not doing so, making Mad Max one of the most beloved anti-heroes of all time.
Examples of Antiheroes
Antihero The antihero that we “love to hate”