Young adult: SACRED THREAD CEREMONY Rites of passage: lesson 2
SACRED THREAD CEREMONY Outcomes: All must learn about a key stage of Hinduism Most should explain the reasons behind it Some could explain it using specialist vocabulary
SACRED THREAD CEREMONY Big picture: Life is like a long winding road, there is a beginning to this journey: birth and there is an end death In between there is marriage and there is young adulthood. …there is always a sense of belonging
The upanayana ceremony is very old, dating back to at least the time of Krishna. This painting shows Krishna and his brother Balarama at gurukula (the school of their spiritual teacher).
SACRED THREAD CEREMONY Connector: The sense of belonging: In the box below use two words only and explain to your neighbour how they relate to you Featherstone Sport Love Friendship form
SACRED THREAD CEREMONY FACTS The ceremony itself involves shaving the head, bathing and wearing new clothes. The boy may also beg alms from his mother and from other relatives. There is a havan and the investiture of the sacred thread, which hangs over his left shoulder. The boy will then hear a prayer from his priest or guru, who may give him a spiritual name to signify his "second birth". Thereafter, wrapping the thread round the thumb of his right hand, he will chant this prayer thrice daily.
SACRED THREAD CEREMONY The boy takes vows to study the Vedas, serve his teachers and follow certain vows, including celibacy. He often concludes the ceremony by offering the traditional dakshina (gift) to his teacher.
SACRED THREAD CEREMONY What makes you think they belong to the same team.
SACRED THREAD CEREMONY What about this picture?
SACRED THREAD CEREMONY What about that one?
SACRED THREAD CEREMONY Create an imaginary brotherhood (team), give it a name and imagine 4 rules to belong to this team. (4min) What do you do in this team? (sports, jokes, tantrums…) (4min) Give two rules for those who will be excluded. (4 min) To do in book, on your table, discuss then write in book.
SACRED THREAD CEREMONY Question for a champion 2 questions and teams need to come up with the best answer possible to win a merit.
SACRED THREAD CEREMONY 1. Take my last four letters away and I still sound the same. What am I?
SACRED THREAD CEREMONY what's greater than God more evil than the devil the poor have it the rich need it and if you eat it you will die?