Keith Grammar School Working together
S4/5/6 Remembrance Event All Senior Pupils are to go to the Hall immediately after lunchtime on Wednesday 7th November for an afternoon celebrating 100 years of the end of WW1. Sit in tutor groups so you can be registered in the Hall. There will be signed areas for each tutor group to avoid confusion.
S1-S3 Languages – Word Wizard Spelling Bee Competition Any S1, S2 and S3 pupils who are interested in taking part in the Word Wizard spelling bee competition this year should give their names to Mrs Bayliss by the end of school on Friday 9th November. Word Wizard is a spelling bee in a different language (French/ German/ Spanish). Further information available from Mrs Bayliss.
S2 bake sale: Thursday 8th November Break and lunch outside the hall Raising money for a girl to go to school in Malawi
S1/2 Football-Boys and Girls There will football training and games on a Thursday lunchtime from 1:20-2pm in the Community Centre sports hall starting on Thursday 8th November. Those interested should report to the hall. You can change in the changing rooms there. Please wear your PE kit and bring a drink. This will run every week and with a plan to organise friendlies against other local schools and an interhouse competition. Mrs Jex & Mr Shepherd
Strathspey Fiddlers The Strathspey Fiddlers were formed 23 years ago to encourage young musicians from west Aberdeenshire and east Moray to play and perform traditional Scottish Music with the emphasis on performing to the public at concerts, ceilidhs, wedding and corporate entertainment venues. We regularly play at Chivas Brothers in Keith to entertain guests before dinner. We are working towards producing our 5th CD to help fund a trip abroad. We have performed at festivals in Scotland, Wales, Cornwall, Ireland and Germany, and have visited Canada and Texas in the past. If you are 13 years and over and have grade 4 violin or in an another instrument such as guitar, traditional song, flute or keyboards and think you would be interested in joining please contact Stephen Brown, Chairman on 01466 792314 or Look forward to hearing from young people of a similar interest.
What: Scrabble competition Where: In the library. When: Heats: Tuesday 6th November 13.30 -2.00 pm Final: Thursday 8th November 13.30 -2.00 pm No need to sign up in advance, just come along to the library. House points will be awarded to the winners!
Lost property There are a number of sporting and clothing items which have been left in the PE department. Please come and collect them before the November in-service on 12th November. Any items still left by then will be disposed of. Thank you. There are also a number of clothing items which have been left in the Janitor Office. Please collect them before the 12th November. Any items still left by then will be displayed on a table in the hall for one week, if nothing collected they will be disposed of in the clothing recycling bin.
KGS CLUBS Club Time Where Year Group Monday Choir Club Time Where Year Group Monday Choir Netball (Senior Girls) British Sign Language Club Darts Club Homework Club 1.30p.m. 3.45p.m.-4.45p.m. 1.30p.m.-2.00p.m. Lunchtime Music Department Keith Community Centre Games Hall Room 6 Room 11 Room 12 All pupils/staff who enjoy singing. S4-S6 All welcome Tuesday Funk Band Pipe Band (every 2nd Tuesday of the month) 3.40p.m.-4.40p.m. All pupils who wish to sing. Wednesday Chill & Spill Recorder Ensemble Netball (Junior Girls) Art & Design 1.20p.m. Room 22 Room 20 S1 and S2 Open to all pupils S1-S3 All year groups Thursday Scrabble Debate Club 3.45p.m.-4.30p.m. Library Room 33 Open to S2-S6 pupils Friday
Active Schools News Rugby – Wednesdays: 31st October to 21st November (except 7th November) from 3.45-4.45p.m. for P7-S3 pupils. Hockey – Tuesdays: 30th October to 4th December (except 13th November) for S1 and S2 pupils. Karate – Fridays: 9th November – 30th November for S1-S6 pupils. See Active Schools noticeboard beside PE Department for further information.
Coastal Rowing @ KGS Coastal Rowing is great fun, exercise and relies on an array of skills such as co-ordination, communication and teamwork. No previous experience is required- come along and try something new! It is free! (£2 contribution towards travel). The next rowing session will be on the afternoon of Friday 23rd November. Please see Miss Garden 1.30pm Wednesday lunchtimes for more information and to collect consent forms.
MUSIC LESSONS See Plasmas or Music Timetables for individual lessons. Brass - Monday Violin - Tuesday Percussion - Thursday Woodwind - Friday
Canteen Pre-Order Friday You can pre-order baguettes, snacks at break time on Friday so you can pick up before you leave the school or go on the bus! Please see Catering Staff for details.
Active Schools: School Sport Competition update: November 2018 This month look out for league and other sporting action from Basketball, Netball, Orienteering, Rugby and more! Upcoming events: Wed 07Nov 1400 KO Gordonstoun Rugby Union: Rd3 Schools Development Conference (SDC) U13/14 Boys & U15/18 girls Moray-Huntly Rugby Development Thu 08Nov 0900-1445 Forres Swimming Pool Swimming: Moray Schools Swimming Time Trials Moray Schools Swimming Convenor Wed 14Nov 1700-2000 Basketball: Rd1 Moray Secondary Schools Basketball League (BL) Active Schools & Elgin Eagles Thu 15Nov 1630-1930 Netball: Rd1 Seniors - Moray Secondary Schools Netball League (SNL) Active Schools Sat 17Nov between 1015-1300 Logie Orienteering: Moray & Nairn Schools Orienteering League (reg. 1015-1115, start 1030-1130, courses close 1300) Moravian Orienteers & Active Schools events link tbc wb. 19/26Nov location tbc ASN-Disability sport: Goalball VI event (visually impaired) Thu 22Nov 1400 KO Nairn Aca Rugby Union: Rd4 finale Schools Development Conference (SDC)