Unit 5: The Progressive Era Ch. 16 – Ch. 18 Jeopardy Unit 5: The Progressive Era Ch. 16 – Ch. 18
Ch. 16 Ch. 17 Ch. 18 Potpourri 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500
Mainly made up of immigrants/ extremely dense What did the population/population density look like in slums? Row 1, Col 1
Who were the progressives? People committed to improving conditions in American Life Who were the progressives? 1,2
progressive presidents? Roosevelt; Taft; Wilson Who were the three progressive presidents? 1,3
What new method of reaching consumers did Montgomery Ward Catalog sales What new method of reaching consumers did Montgomery Ward & Sears begin to use in the late 1800s? 1,4
What did the meat packing industry look Unsanitary Rats Rat Droppings What did the meat packing industry look like before the Meat Packing Act of 1906? 2,1
What was one reform progressives made to state governments? Secret ballots; recall (remove elected official); initiative (citizens can place proposal on ballot); referendum (legislation can be placed on ballot for voters to vote on) What was one reform progressives made to state governments? 2,2
What was Roosevelt’s reform program called? Square Deal What was Roosevelt’s reform program called? 2,3
How did the role of women begin to change during the progressive era? Going to college; gaining right to vote; new appliances; joining workforce How did the role of women begin to change during the progressive era? 2,4
Full-time politicians whose maintain political power main goal was to maintain political power What were political machines? 3,1
What is “workers’ compensation”? Workers hurt at work still receive some pay What is “workers’ compensation”? 3,2
How does the Federal Reserve System Sets interest rates; sets reserve rates How does the Federal Reserve System set monetary policy? 3,3
What was the main reason why progressives wanted to end So children can go to school What was the main reason why progressives wanted to end child labor? 3,4
Government workers had to take a test before being hired What did the Pendleton Act of 1883 say? 4,1
What is Social Darwinism? Fittest individuals/businesses will survive What is Social Darwinism? 4,2
What does the 16th Amendment say? Federal Government can impose income tax What does the 16th Amendment say? 4,3
What did the 18th Amendment say? Prohibition What did the 18th Amendment say? 4,4
Why did African Americans begin moving north during the late Avoid Jim Crow laws; job opportunities; better life Why did African Americans begin moving north during the late 1800s through the early 1900s 5,1
Which progressive organization formed in 1909 to confront racism? National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) Which progressive organization formed in 1909 to confront racism? 5,2
What did the 19th Amendment say? Women given right to vote What did the 19th Amendment say? 5,3
What did the 17th Amendment say? Direct election of senators What did the 17th Amendment say? 5,4