Getting Started Online Amy Brown Teaching Innovations Office, UTLC UNCG
Objectives Discuss what it’s like to move a class online for the first time. Learn what students have shared about their favorite online classes. Review the steps to moving a course online.
Online Learning Course, Level One Facilitated by Teaching Innovations Office Online, 8 weeks, “Accountability course” Review a module, work on your course, get feedback, stay focused
Moving Online
What I thought How can I translate my assignments and lectures to an online format? I guess I can’t do any group work online. Oh well. Bring on the PowerPoint Parade.
What was possible Online is not just a translation of face-to-face activities. It’s more. Group work can work online. In fact, you can be more involved in the groups when they move online. You just have to plan accordingly. Sorry, but students are not always reviewing your PowerPoint Presentations.
Strong online students are great teachers.
What students told me Clear layout, no confusion Clear deadlines, told upfront so that I can plan around them. Clear expectations Varied resources - not just PowerPoints Meaningful feedback
Seven steps to online course development
Step One Make your major decisions about your course assessments and learning activities first based on your student learning outcomes.
Public Speaking Student Learning Outcomes Prepare organized speeches using correct organizational principles. Conduct demographic and situational audience analysis. Use supporting materials effectively and ethically while speaking in class. Demonstrate effective listening skills as an audience member. Demonstrate effective verbal and nonverbal delivery skills such as vocal fluency and variety, gestures and eye contact. Create professional presentation aids that increase clarity, retention, and persuasiveness. Link
Step Two Create your summative assessments. Summative assessments measure your student learning outcomes.
Step Three Create your formative assessments and learning activities. How are you going to help your students prepare for your summative assessments?
Step Four Create your overall course layout. Make the decision of the structure in Canvas and use that same structure every week. Make it STUDENT FRIENDLY.
Step Five Use a variety of content to help your students learn your course material. Before you create anything, search for it.
Step Six Develop an engagement plan. Connect your students to you (faculty), the other students and the content.
Step Seven Think about ways to help the student be successful in your course. Syllabus - What else do you need online? Links to help - Technical, Content, Publisher Samples Course calendar
Final thoughts If you are designing an online course - first or thousandth time, consider enrolling in Online Learning Level One to keep you on track. It all stems from your Student Learning Outcomes. Read Minds Online by Michelle Miller. She is coming to UNCG in May as part of our new TOPPS series that we will be announcing soon. Online students don’t care about the flash, they care about connection.
Getting Started Online Amy Brown Teaching Innovations Office, UTLC