What is everything made of? 50:50 What is everything made of? A: Water B: Things called Atoms C: Cheese D: Dirt
Everything around us is made from Atoms
50:50 How big are these atoms? A: Very big B: The same size as a football C: Very, very, very small D: The size of an ant
Atoms are nearly the smallest things on earth Imagine a block of wood I cut the wood into 8 pieces And then 32 pieces And so on…
Eventually, when I could not cut the wood into smaller pieces and I had a really good knife I would get to the smallest bit of wood. An atom. An atom is so small it is 0.000000001metres wide!
50:50 How do we look at atoms? A: Just with our eyes B: With a magnifying glass C: With a microscope D: They are too small to see
They’re so small, not even the most powerful microscope can seen them!
How many main parts does an atom have? 50:50 How many main parts does an atom have? A: 1 B: 2 C: 3 D: 4
Out of these four which one is a part of an atom? 50:50 Out of these four which one is a part of an atom? A: Dust B: A small stone C: Proton D: Zuculeron
Out of these four which one is a part of an atom? 50:50 Out of these four which one is a part of an atom? A: Electron B: Neutrino C: Small Bit of Glass D: A drop of water
Out of these four which one is a part of an atom? 50:50 Out of these four which one is a part of an atom? A: New Hat B: Neutron C: New Song D: Photon
What is the centre of an atom called? 50:50 What is the centre of an atom called? A: Planet B: Sprite C: Nucleus D: Origin
Which part whizzes round the nucleus? 50:50 Which part whizzes round the nucleus? A: Electron B: Neutron C: Proton D: Photon
- Proton + + - - + + - Electron Neutron
Charge This is a magnet: It has a positive end And a negative end
+ - This is like an Atom One part is Positive This is the Proton Another part in negative This is the electron The last part has no charge This is the Neutron + -
50:50 How do we show charge? A: Positive and Negative B: Up and Down C: In and out D: Black and White
What charge does a proton have? 50:50 What charge does a proton have? A: Negative B: Neutral C: Hot D: Positive
Is anything smaller than an atom? 50:50 Is anything smaller than an atom? A: Yes B: No C: We don’t know D: Not on earth
A proton is made from even smaller parts. What are they called? 50:50 A proton is made from even smaller parts. What are they called? A: Quarks B: Neutrinos C: Photons D: Beutons
How many of these tiny parts are inside a proton? 50:50 How many of these tiny parts are inside a proton? A: 1 B: 2 C: 3 D: 4
Quarks If I could cut a proton open I would see three parts; these are called QUARKS Quark Quark + Quark
How did scientists find out about quarks? 50:50 How did scientists find out about quarks? A: Deep inelastic scattering B: Rutherford experiment C: Electrolysis D: Brownian motion
Deep inelastic scattering If we fire very fast electrons at protons or neutrons we can detect the parts inside. These parts are called quarks. - + Quark
Review - Proton + + - - + + - Electron Neutron
Review Quark